Showing posts with label trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trump. Show all posts

Saturday, December 21, 2019


What words can describe the total piece of garbage Donald Trump is? Really, it does not matter because about half the country does not care. He can do anything he wants and not lose their support. 

The other half of the country thinks the same way that I do. That Trump is just about every horrible thing a supposedly normal human being can be.

The above represents the current status of our screwed up nation. It is totally divided because of Donald. 

 It's Trump, Trump, Trump. Every day. He represents good versus evil. Either you despise Trump or you love him. 

Trumpers will never concede an inch against Trump no matter how indisputable the evidence is.  Many think he is the messiah. 

Or, he is Dr. Evil unleashed and many of us will not rest until he is no longer the president.

What if all the Trump defenders were subjected to Trump's illogical words when buying a car, going to the Dr., or discussing what brand of toilet paper to buy? 

Can you imagine? We would have to start the country all over again. People could not communicate. 

If all logic and reason is thrown away what do we have left?
Trump nation, that's it. Adios America.

 Are previously well educated, logical and intelligent women and men from all over the country lost in a brainwashed state? 

Or, are many people just plain cowards who want to keep their jobs and power and are willing to do anything to enable that moron to stay in office?

People who have spent their lives dedicated to the processes of logic, and reason feel that they have been sent on a spaceship to the twilight zone on Trumps private rocket of chaos. 

Facts no longer matter. 
It seems that common sense has disappeared in half of us. Two and two is five because Trump says it is and his minions stand fast never conceding an inch to any truth Trump does not bless. 

My prediction is that all of Trumps appeals now in the Supreme Court will go his way and he walks away untouched. 

I also predict Trump will lose the 2020 election in a landslide because no one can fool all the people all the time. 
Americans are smart and sensible and find their way. Eventually.

Maybe, a surprising new door will open because as the old saying goes people make plans and the person above us laughs. 

Maybe Trump will self destruct. There is a good shot of that happening. He is an addictive mess. 

He has to be patient now and I doubt he can do that. He is too much of a spoiled brat begging for attention.

 Go fuck yourself Donald you ignorant fake president.

Friday, December 13, 2019


Trump was voted by the House of Representatives today to be impeached and then comes a Senate impeachment trial. The stink of his Presidential misconduct caused him to join the putrid company of less than a handful of other U.S Presidents who have faced impeachment.  

Our derelict, degenerate, unfit ignoramus and total moron of a President becomes part of the most undistinguished group of leaders in our country's history. He well deserves that dishonor.

Doesn't it figure that an intellectually inferior spoiled brat who never followed rules and who became an accidental president would end up facing impeachment? 

 Unbelievable. A President dying to be admired afflicted with severe narcissistic personality disorder ending up with the ultimate political smack down of possibly being removed from office. The smartest guy in the room who could do whatever he wanted ending up out in the street.

Millionaire daddy Fred Trumps money ruined his spoiled brat son. Donald always thought he was above rules and regulations. Donald never learned what the word no meant. Too bad for us and him. Do not forget what he has done. Feel no pity. Trump has hurt this country badly.

He thinks he is above everyone else but he's just a good old fashioned dummy who thinks money makes him better than the rest of us. All schmucks think like that. 

What a lethal blow to Trumps already permanently destroyed Presidential legacy these impeachment hearings have been. He has forever groveled to powerful people and institutions to be accepted and respected. Now, he is forever buried in the manure of shame he has always been so terrified of.

 He is just a brainless punk with a big mouth who is getting dragged through the mud by the same professional, accomplished people who he has always wanted so badly to impress and be accepted by. 

The nation is not far behind the House of Representatives in throwing Trump in the trash can.  He is done ever trying to seriously lead us. Who will listen? Not the majority. He has done almost nothing good for us in his job. Now, things get worse for him like he has made them so bad for many of us.

He has lost the little respect he had by ignorantly and egotistically trying to do a job that he knows he is incapable of. He rejected all help and support so he could do things his way. He is left only with our contempt, disgust, anger, rage, and much worse.

When respect is gone it is like virginity. There is no way to get it back. Trump is finished.

So, Donald John Trump, you stupid, mindless pile of human junk, listen up. You are unfit for almost anything except eating whoppers, playing golf and conning your supporters with lies. Go do that. 

Whatever your insecure, fatally flawed ego was looking for when you accidentally became president your life will only get worse now. Your sensitive ego is shattered beyond repair. You will never be okay with the world and you know it. 

You poor baby. You will cry, scream, kick, and throw tantrums continually to get revenge and regain esteem from those you pissed on and those who pissed back. 

You will act the victim and beg for sympathy. That will only make your useless life deteriorate more quickly. People hate desperate crybabies. Times will get bad. Suck it up and eat it all. Enjoy yourself. 

You have become a terrible investment for anyone with a drop of sense. You are a ticking time bomb Donald. You will soon lose the last of your misguided supporters. You are headed for the massive junk pile of flash in the pan people that got lucky once but threw it away. Your fifteen minutes of fame is timing out. 

Eventually, your loyal pack of psychologically infected supporters will get sick of feeding your unquenchable ego and abandon you.
You have nothing but frustration, shame, embarrassment, and possibly jail to look forward to. 

You are too ignorant to know that. Your motley crew of die hard Republican senators will get what they deserve too by hanging onto your coat tails thinking you are their salvation. You will be their demise.

Their reward for loyalty to a dunce like you will be to also go down as you flop around in the political mud. You will shortly be formally impeached and maybe removed from office. You and your comrades are already beat. They know it. You don't.
You are as good as out of office and facing a ton of indictments. 

Even if you are acquitted in the senate impeachment trial by your gang of shit faced senators that will only be a temporary reprieve. You are done.  

You better throw everyone under the bus now and make a deal to resign because this may be your last chance to avoid dancing with the devil in hell.   

Unfortunately, you are taking our beautiful country down with you.You have done huge damage to this wonderful nation.
As my high school counselor once begged me "please quit."
We need a real President, not a fake one. 

Please quit.
You are a loser.

You are going to be fired.

Thursday, December 12, 2019


I am sick, enraged, and mystified that a rotten piece of scum, a moronic, ignoramus of a U.S. President can act in defiance of the constitution and continue to retain the support of a bunch of spineless Republican senate leaders.  

The senators are a group of pure assholes who are willing to protect and defend Trump from impeachment and possibly jail in order to keep their jobs and their power. 

They do not care about Trumps misdeeds, criminal violations, abuses of power, or any other betrayals of his oath of office he has  committed. They just hold his ass up with both hands and keep their faces buried in it defending him each day knowing he is a totally corrupt president.

How in the world can absolutely clear issues of black and white, right and wrong. good and bad, logic and idiocy be debated by supposedly intelligent individuals? Trump got caught red handed several times with his hand in the cookie jar. End of story. Period. He's got to go.

Who do we have running this country? Idiots? Buffoons? Intellectually disabled goofs? Worse? 
These are not leaders. They will not even acknowledge that Trump is guilty of the offenses claimed against him. They know better.

The indisputable proof that Trump has violated his oath of office again and again and that he should be impeached has been legally proven and is apparent to anyone with a working brain. 

Yet, not one major Republican has yet stood up and admitted the truth about this fake, stupid and scummy president. Rise, one of you gutless wonders. You will become a worthwhile human being at least for a little while. 

How do Trumps defenders in the senate look at themselves in the mirror and not puke up their guts at their cowardliness? How can not at least one brave senator unload their repulsion at themselves and their colleagues for defending pathetic, mentally ill Trump and explode in anger and frustration? When did wrongly defending a rotten corrupt president become right? 

Not one Trump senator has a set of balls bigger then a parakeets balls as my old friend Merrill used to say about gutless people. These ass kissing, blood sucking, pathetic cowards know exactly how wrong they are to protect a guy who is all but an official dictator and Russian employee. But, they selfishly stick with him for purely personal reasons.

What the fuck is going on in this country when so many people have lost the courage and will to say "No, this is wrong? Take this job and shove it Trump, I am done saving your sorry ass". 

A few very brave non-partisan officials have testified courageously and honorably and spoken the unfortunate truth about Trumps misdeeds. They have not moved the popularity needle much. Yet. 

Hats off to them though. They may still have saved this country from Trump and his attack dogs like Kevin McCarthy, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Doug Collins, and Mitch McConnell to name a few. The game is not over. Trump did not get off. But, he must be stopped.

However, mother justice is not happening so far. Trumps pawns keep their snouts up his posterior. The Republican senators live in the depths of Trumps bowels each day. They seem immune to his stink. 

They tell us Trump is really undeserving of being impeached. They will soon refuse to convict him when the impeachment goes to the senate. Trump and his Republican senators give every American the infamous golden shower each time they speak in behalf of Dumb Donald.

Is this America? Do Trump and his devotees have any limits as to the amount of shit that they can shovel in our faces with their lying words without losing all credibility?

 So far the public says they are safe. But, things can change fast with public opinion. Trumps gang thinks they can piss on us all the way through the 2020 election. 
They will fail. Tyranny always fails.

Trump is the same dishonest, unethical dog he has been his entire spoiled, enabled, unaccountable, privileged life. He is a stinking, rotten, uncontrollable brat who should have never been given a dollar of his daddy's fortune let alone keys to the White House. 

Trump is a gang boss, a cult leader. He is just a common hustler and con man. He is not a human being let alone a man of honor and distinction like Americas leaders should be. He has no heart and soul. He is an embarrassment to our country and to the world. He has shamed us all. He will continue to if not stopped.  

Would anyone let their children behave like President Donald J. Trump without smacking their faces and cutting off their privileges? Or worse?

Man up one of you gutless wonders who is defending Trump in these impeachment hearings. Get off your chair one of you disgusting, cowardly well educated, rich, and fully employable Trump allies and say 
" Fuck you Donald, you dumb son of a bitch  Take this job and shove it up your ass. You are guilty of all the accusations against you.
I quit."

Let's take America back.

Monday, November 25, 2019


It is reprehensible. It is a national disgrace that despite clear and indisputable evidence a small group of Senate Republicans holds the country hostage while Trump rampages on without regard for the consequences. 

 And why should Trump worry about his conduct? 

His supporters have already made it clear that whatever he says and does is irrelevant no matter how treacherously he acts. He is even getting anointed by some as being sent from some extra terrestrial location and placed here to guide our nation. 

It is eternally confounding to me as to whether some really believe 
the false garbage he spews out continually or they are just acting like they believe in him for power, money, or whatever their purpose is. 

People in this country are not ignorant. They are smart but get taken by con men because they want to believe. Trump knows that much. So does every other con man.

He seems disinterested as to what problems his behavior causes. He realizes that his base of dedicated followers enable him to roam the world and be obnoxious, uncivil, immoral, and just plain stupid. 

He actually is a just a good old fashioned dunce in the truest sense of the word. He does not read, he appears incapable of thinking very deeply, evaluating, or acting responsibly let alone thinking in three dimensional terms. 

He is too psychologically short circuited to act like an adult. So, he acts like a spoiled, impudent teen age punk. 

What is going on here? Are we now a nation without the courage to stand up to evil? Are we scared of a nitwit like Trump?

 No.We are not. This whole thing with Trump getting over on the whole nation inhabited by the best, nicest, sensitive, toughest, smartest, daring and heroic people on the planet is just temporary. 

 We have not gotten permanently hypnotized and brainwashed by a simpleton named Donald J.Trump. It is not possible. It is a mistake that has not gotten corrected. 

There will be a national awakening of consciousness and sensibility. Trump will either be brought down by the citizens or blow himself up politically with his ignorance and grandeur. 
Either way, he is a loser and losers are called losers for a reason.
They lose.  

Monday, May 6, 2019

Deranged Donald Trump: Americas Greatest Political Con Man

The blame for the endless and overwhelming promotion and reporting of Donald Trumps sick, inflammatory rhetoric and behavior lies with all of us who feast on his deplorable words and deeds. We continually enable that guy by allowing him to run wild  without consequences. He may be our worst political train wreck of the century.

Being a super con man has worked magically for Trump. Americans endlessly buy into hucksters and con men . He is our perfect fraud. We are among the biggest suckers in the world.

 Look what electing Trump got us? Brainless, inefficient, unfit leadership. Bold, blatant violation of the rule of law and abdication of our Presidents sworn duties as commander and chief. .

 Trumps ignorant, fatally flawed, immature, ignorant behavior is doing permanent damage to our  two hundred plus year old democracy. The media keeps  him in our face strictly because they are making money from his
Unfortunately, Trump is an all-time media cash cow. That is because of our national obsession with train wrecks.

 His speeches are filled with talk of violence, hate, prejudice, bigotry, bullying, and every component that appeals to the worst in many of us. His fanatic base loves what he says and does. They adore him because of his outrageous defiance of rules, customs, and laws. Charismatic and deranged madmen do attract dedicated followers.

Trump is a phenomenon created by money, privilege, immaturity, defiance, and a lot of luck. He was defaulted into power by the country's unhappiness with much of our government and the widespread hatred of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
He is superman to those that needed a wild fool to thoughtlessly trash much of what we are frustrated with.

 But, he is nothing. He's just a loudmouth braggart, a punk, a totally insensitive buffoon who thinks he is the smartest guy in the room. In reality, he is shallow and superficial, and actually an "ignoramus" according to conservative columnist Ann Coulter, and "a moron" according to ex-secretary of state Rex Tillerson.

 Google the TV ratings for the O.J Simpson murder trial many years ago or for the Rodney King police beating in Los Angeles, or many other spectacular, unfortunate events. It is hard to not watch, read, or listen and become entranced when tragic events occur. Than, we buy the products and services that get attached to the big audiences. Find current advertiser revenues on tv, radio, newspapers. etc. The more Trump is publicized the more the cash registers ring.

 Forget politics. Forget morality. Forget decency. In the end, Trump getting continual coverage is all about money regardless of the righteous indignation that is demonstrated in condemning him. Watch how fast he gets dropped when he stops generating income.

Think of the school shootings, the attacks, the bombings and everything else that has happened while Trump has been in office. There is big coverage for a little while and then the media goes back to Trump again. He is the biggest generator of money.

 If a lot of the news is "fake news" as Trump claims the medias relationship to Trump is just as fake.  It is a shell game between Trump, the media and the rest of us who suck it all up and stay focused on him.

Do you want to get Trump out of your face? Stop buying and watching and listening to the non-stop coverage he gets. You would soon see him fighting to get back on the Howard Stern radio show where they called him Donald the douche-bag.

 Trump needs therapy, not politics. We need our heads examined for electing him.

 Trump will end but the damage he has done will not. Think about that.

.I believe if Trump were gone there would be another moron who would pick up his following.
That's scary.

Sunday, November 25, 2018


Normally, I would take forever to start writing this article. I would check my blogger statistics, I would see if I earned any money in the last few days, (which I almost never do) I would jealously check out other successful blogs, or focus on anything other then getting to work and just writing. 

Kinda stupid cause I love to write. I wish I knew I had talent. I have this blog with several hundred articles, and stories. It makes me feel worthwhile as a contributing human being that the world can gain something constructive from. But, I get so little traffic it is pathetic.

However, I just do not understand how to build an audience because I am too old and not computer literate enough to apply the necessary skills to get a respectable following. It is not Googles fault. They are aware of my problems. I am worth money and readership to Google and their advertisers who run ads on my blog. They send me reports and technical information including steps regarding adding code, widgets, links and all kinds of other shit to my blog.

 I just cannot understand what Google AdSense tells me to do. I keep thinking that the sheer appeal of my blog will finally find an audience. So, I only write in this blog,  I go to tiny URL and make the headline small enough so I can put a teasing headline on Twitter to promote my latest blog article and then I post it on Twitter and hope some traffic will come charging to my blog. 

I focus lately almost exclusively on my horrible feelings toward Donald Trump. I am very active on Twitter in commenting on Trump. I do have about five hundred people following me? I always think that one of my followers who has their own gigantic following will go to my blog and see something interesting that they could use for a story, a screenplay, a book, or anything else that might make me successful.

 I do believe that life can change in a heartbeat. I used to gamble so I love the action and rush that writing in my blog can potentially create. Meanwhile, its Sunday morning in Chicago.  I sit in my little high rise apartment all alone. Not even a dog or goldfish. I am retired with very little money. I have wonderful kids and friends who are usually unavailable cause they are busy or married, or something. 

So, I'm lonely, depressed, and  pretty much alone since I dumped my last girlfriend who I just could not get comfortable with and settle down with even after living together for several months. I am 70 and play senior softball several days a week in the summer which I love but now it's winter so I have been trying to find an airbandb in Florida where some of my softball  guys go to play in the winter. Discover me one of you people out there that see talent in me.
check out

Monday, November 5, 2018


Trump and his candidates are going down the drain as I write. Republicans are losing massive ground. Trump, despite his attempts to rally his base, may not be able to save anyone's job including his own. 

He represents many Republican candidates in tightly contested races and his endorsement is not helpful but can be damaging. Many candidates do not even want him around. What a testimonial for a President !!

If he would have shut his mouth when his advisers told him to, his own position and the Republications appeal would be much stronger. Instead, Trump ignorantly has continued to embarrass himself, our country, and the people he represents by being a mindless egomaniac and narcissist. 

 He misguidedly feels he must be the smartest guy in the room despite how devoid of basic intelligence many Americans and leaders of other countries think. The President seems hardly able to speak well and when he talks he constantly lies.  

Trump could not get health care repealed, immigration reform completed, and a border wall he promised delivered for his supporters. He failed while controlling both houses of Congress. He has all the power a President could ask for and has been a dismal failure. Like the failure he was in the five businesses he ran into bankruptcy using his dads fortune.

Why? Because he is a total fool, a dunce, an "ignoramus" per Ann Coulter. Trump has continued replaying the 2016 election, hiring and firing cabinet members, calling other leaders nasty names, insulting people mercilessly and wasting his time watching TV and playing golf instead of working. He has put himself and his rich friends above everything else. 

He also is threatening to rob our Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid treasuries by taking money from them to repay the tax cuts he gave his billionaire friends who will not need more money anyway. 

He gave us a tax refund or tax break or whatever you want to call it and acted as if it were a big deal but it was really peanuts. He keeps throwing urine in our faces and tells us it is raining. Many of us believe him.

His racism and bigotry, his numerous sleazy scandals and insensitivity repel the majority of good, honest Americans. He goes against all of our values and our better angels. Trump is a horrid President and a horrid human being and his collapsing support underscores that.  

Whats more, to add to the miseries Trump faces, here comes the millennial's voting against Republicans. Gun control, equality for women, bogus agreements, lying, adultery, and all the rest will not be accepted by millennial's. We have had enough crap from Republicans and from Trump.

With no House of Representatives in his control, as the polls indicate, Trump will not only be much less powerful but will likely be impeached as he should be. He has lied, defrauded, abused his power, and been the most unfit President in U.S. history. He is a bad guy and a monstrosity of a POTUS.

Robert Mueller has not even got started on Trump yet. He could be more dangerous to Trump then anyone or anything out there. Trump could end up indicted and maybe in jail.

A no vote for any of Trumps endorsed candidates is a vote for a return to the wonderful America we will again become.

Trump has not seriously gone after Saudi Arabia for the murder of our American resident and journalist because he does not want to lose the money those stinking Saudis spend with us and probably personally lend him. 

He pees in his pants when he even has to talk about KGB killer and Russian leader Vladimir Putin. He is a stone, cold coward. 

Trump is the only President I have ever thought to be gutless. He is too afraid to even fire anyone face to face let alone telling KGB killer Vladimir Putin to stay out of our elections.

Now, he is sending 10-15k troops unnecessarily to the southern border to stop some fleeing immigrants from coming here. It is all for show to impress his supporters. That is probably dummy Trumps worst mistake among many.

Also,, here comes the millennial's to the polls who cannot be lied to and ripped off like Trumps supporters. They will be the moving force in the years to come. Donald is screwed.

So, lets start making America great again by voting out Trumps endorsed candidates and impeaching Trump.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Donald Trump. our temporary president seems to be giving up his power to Vladimir Putin, the Russian President. His knees were shaking in Helsinki when he could not even tell KGB killer Putin to stop meddling in our elections.Then, he refused to say anything negative about Putin even praising him in his treacherous leadership of Russia. Trump got his reward for being such a wonderful friend to Putin. He and the United States were bullied by Putin a few days ago.

Tough guy John Bolton was sent to Russia to talk to Putin and got neutered by Putin when  Putin humiliated our country by telling chickenshit Bolton that the United States was now a second rate power. Bolton just smiled and sucked up Bull Putin's smiling insults. 

Wasn't John Bolton supposed to be the ferocious fighter who would stand up to anyone? Not quite. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Unfortunately, the tree is cowardly Donald Trump who could teach anyone how to be afraid. 

Donald Trump who has now has added another coward, John Bolton, to his motley crew. 

Where is Anthony Scaramouch? We need some leaders with balls. Big mouths do not count. Step in mooch

Monday, October 22, 2018


Once again this blogging crap has me so frustrated. Every time I want to find blogs about Donald Trump I have to search Trump blogs on Google and .then I get sent to yet another blog and get stuck there with more steps to follow. Now, again I am back to just writing evergreen content on my own. pathetic blog because I cannot figure out how to build my blogs traffic except to keep on writing and writing while following no helpful steps.

Trump, that dumb ass bastard is thinking of robbing Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid to pay down our massive fiscal debt. That debt was created by the chintzy, irrelevant tax cuts that Trump made a big deal about. Those tax refunds came out to be crap for regular people like you and I. A thousand or two or three thousand bucks for regular Joes like us. Chump change.  But, billions and billions were given away to billionaires and their companies by corrupt Trump.

That money went into the rich peoples pockets instead of back into their employees paychecks. Mega rich people bought huge amounts of their own companies stock back to enable themselves to get even richer long after our piddling tax refunds were spent and forgotten. Now, trump lies and says he is coming up with immediate tax cuts for the middle class because he knows that idiots will believe him and vote for the candidates Trump needs to win Congressional seats in a few weeks. Trump is not even thinking about a middle class tax cut. He is just a liar lying to us again for votes. Like the wall or healthcare.

I really wanted to talk about that kiss ass whore Ted Cruz running for Senator in Texas. Trump made crap out of him and his wife when trump was running against him in the 2016 presidential election. Now, that piece of crap Donald Trump is plugging away for voters to vote for wonderful Ted Cruz , Trumps own Texas whore.

Do not do it Texans. Vote for Beto O'Rourke who is a good guy and a straight shooting, descent,guy. He does not like Trump or any of the inhumanity you see watching Trump stand by and do nothing about the horror happening in this world.

Donald trump is going down the drain because he is a bad man. Do not get pulled down with him.
Your voted really matters.

Friday, October 19, 2018


Donald Trump called Stormy Daniels "horseface". So big deal! Who cares? Is that an official act of misconduct by Trump? She nicknamed Trump "tiny" an amusing reference to Trumps penis. Again, I say. So what? People can make demeaning comments if they want to. This is still America. 

In fact, Trump deserves huge doses of his own insulting, demeaning, sexist, and mean spirited medicine. Why don't people who are offended by Trump get real nasty with the creep? He is a chickenshit, nothing burger who deserves to be treated like the low life he is. He is lower than whale shit, the lowest form of waste in the universe.

Meanwhile, a question remains for all who must oppose Trump?  How do you stand up to Trump's bullying style? People must learn how to fight him because he represents so many bad candidates and objectives that cannot prevail. 

Taking the high road when combating him by using logic, reason or any form of civility is useless.   
He is an irrational crazy, wild, mindless animal immune to logical thinking who only knows how to attack to get what he wants. 

So, you go head on with Trump. He is not very smart. He seems close to being illiterate.
When any person, anytime, anywhere is bullied by Trump he should be fought in a dirty, ferocious, relentless way. Those are his tactics which have worked beautifully. Anyone who opposes him about anything better understand that reality. 

Trump is an immature, ignorant, abusive man-child having the mentality of a nine year old with arrested development always ready to bully anyone who will take his rhetorical crap. But, he is dangerous. Trashing him with guttural tactics is the only answer for one who must battle Trump politically.. 

Consider the people he avoids taunting and usually doesn't even mention. Strongmen. Putin, Kim Jung Un,  Robert Mueller, They scare him. Any bully instinctively knows who to stay away from. Trump is such a chickenshit he won't even fire anyone face to face. 

He was so scared in Helsinki standing next to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin he could hardly open his mouth to this KGB killer and  our mortal enemy. He couldn't tell him to stop meddling in our elections as was planned. I thought  In fact, I thought would see Donnie's pee trickling onto the floor.

As for all those losers who ran against Trump in the 2016 Republican nominations they did not have a clue on how to deal with bully Trump. Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich were not babes in the woods or newcomers to smash mouth politics. But, Trump ran over them like a fullback runs over weak defenders. He had no fear of any of them. He knew they were all afraid of his ability to talk trash to people who wanted to hear trash talk.

 Those contenders were psychologically unprepared to take on a fast talking con man like Trump who knows instinctively how to hustle the crowds. Good hustlers pick up on people quickly and know how to play them for however they need to. Money, votes, sex, or whatever. Trump understands that. "Lock her up" and the rest of Trumps platform was a stroke of genius. He ran with it.

.Trump took all his contenders into the gutter in his unfiltered, ferocious, unfiltered style nicknames and language they could not compete against. None of those guys had the sense to get in his face. They should have remembered what they learned in the playground. They should have gone low and scared Trump away.  

In fact, I think Hillary Clinton blew the 2016 election by allowing Trump to bully her on stage when they were both debating in front of the country. Trump hoovered around her and intimidated the shit out of fragile Hillary.  
When Trump was breathing down her neck while she was trying to speak she should have stopped talking, pointed her finger in his face while telling him to back off. If he would not back off she should have screamed at him until he did. He would have. 

He was supposedly too uncivilized for his supposedly civilized opponents and voters. He violated all the established standards of behavior for a candidate. Then he won the 2016 Presidential election.

 Now, think about the history of people we know of  who had to become radical, rebellious, irrational, audacious, and seemingly insane to find their audience.

  A few are Rush Limbaugh, Richard Pryor, Howard Stern, George Carlin, Bill Maher, Sarah Palin,  They ended up  phenomenally successful only because of their uninhibited, unconventional and many times grotesque styles of appealing to the audience.

If they all were not willing to say and do things which were very offensive and off color and intended to shock and offend their audience they likely would never had become supremely successful.

When people are willing to go to any length to get attention sometimes they get away with amazing shockingly improper behavior. . 

Trump used his naturally charismatic style which  all good con men innately have in playing to his audiences. He new that normal behavior would never win the election. He knew his limitations. 

What he did not know but soon learned was that there was a universe of disenchanted people out there who were waiting for a lunatic like Trump to come along and lead them against the forces the hate. It was kind of l like long ago when many of us were waiting for someone to come along to protest the evil Vietnam war. We didn't know we were but we knew it when it happened. It was right.

First the old establishment school thought that violent punishment against protesters would work to stop them.. Then, the President had to refuse to run again because the anger about the war had caught on. People were joyous that there was organized opposition to a bad war. 

Same principle with Trump only one big difference. The Vietnam protesters were sane and right in their cause.They fought against for a worthy cause. Peace

Trump does not want a peaceful nation. He is insane and wrong about what he wants to do to this nation. He wants to use his spoiled brat bully tactics to bring down the whole world just for his personal shits and giggles.  He wants a fascist regime because he is incapable of following anyone else. He needs the entire spotlight. He has no purpose because he is not trying to accomplish anything but just keeping the game going. He is the ultimate baby screaming for attention.  His rattle is his floating cabinet and appointees.He just wants to keep bullying most of the country as he has. 

 Does anyone think Trump really cares whether he is a Republican or Democrat? No. Do you think he cares about immigration? No.  All he cares about is making money, not going to jail, and keeping his flimsy base intact. 

Go out and vote in the mid terms so hes has no more power. If he loses the House he is finished.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Seems to me that Stormy Daniels and her lover boy Donald Trump still have unfinished business. Trump was burning hot for Stormy before. Maybe it would be good closure for them to get together again and satisfy their obviously unsatisfied desires.

 It sure seems that Melania wants no part of Donald. She slaps his hand away from hers when he tries to touch her.. Makes sense. Who wants Stormys rejects. But, Donald also hates looking like a loser. He sure did not look like the stud he has acted like in the past after Stormy outed his weird penis.

Stormy made Trump seem like a sexual failure. She said nothing at all to compliment Trumps supposed sexual prowess. Sounds like his little hands and package did not impress Stormy. Trump used to come off  like Mr. hot pants. Stormy hurt Trumps reputation. Trump must hook up with Stormy to redeem himself to regain confidence in his bungled libido. 

I think Trumps wounded ego might be redeemed if he had another chance to  hit the bed with Stormy and perform well. You know Trumps fragile ego. He may need his suffering sexual ego restored so he can rally his troops coming into the mid terms. He gets depressed when his sex life is bad.  I think Trump and Stormy should have a return sexual engagement. 

But, there has to be something in it for both of them. So, see what you think of this.

If Trump cannot perform to Stormy's satisfaction then Stormy gets 1 million dollars and an apology from Trump for  all the harassment she received from him and Michael Cohen. Stormy is given a good job and agrees to surrender any right she has to go after Trump.  

 If Trump can perform like the man he says he is then Stormy must admit what a stud Trump is with pictures and DNA proof. She must praise his virility to whoever and wherever he wishes. Stormy gets 1 million dollars but she has to leave Washington and must surrender any right she has to come back against at Trump.

Mike Pence and Bill Clinton will be present at the site of the love making session.
They will watch and agree to only one point. Is Trump a happy man or not at the end of the love making session. That should be easy to determine.

So, that's where my head is at now.


Well, well, well. I found a way to get your clicks directed to my blog. I talked about my willingness to tell the stories of unfortunate people and companies who have been stiffed by Donald Trump in his bogus business dealings.

 I talked about how stupid and incapable of being a world leader or even a normal human being dopey Trump is. 

In the 1980s when Trump was in the casino business he awarded an $80,000 contract to a  Philadelphia cabinet maker and builder by the name of Edward Friel Jr. whose father had founded the family business in the 1940s. The work was for slot machines, desks, cabinets, bars, and bases. The final bill for $83,600 was submitted by Friel Jr. to Trump but was never paid forcing Friel out of the small business his father had founded in the 1940,s Trumps company, headed by Trump would not pay as agreed. Giving Trump credit was Friels demise.

There were about 3500 lawsuits over several years instituted by bartenders, dishwashers, waiters, real estate brokers, etc. Just ordinary people who did their jobs and were not paid by Trump when their work was done. I will get to those.

Yes, Trump is a scum ball financially and every other way. Just look at the other day when Trump shot off his loudmouth guaranteeing he would pay 1(one) Million $$$$ to Elizabeth Warrens favorite charity if she could prove she was Native American. She then did prove she was.
Naturally, that lying, cheating, bogus, crooked, sexual assaulting, creep Donald Trump stiffed Elizabeth Warren's charity saying he needed to do the DNA test on her himself. He has not paid the million dollars to her charity and probably will not. 

In other words, Trump lied again. His word is shit. It's no good whether it's about dollars he promised to  contribute to Elizabeth Warrens favorite charity, or his opinion of people he claims are "outstanding" and then throws them out. He lies about everything that does not help him personally. Trump according to fact checking by professionals lies all day everyday.

What a frigging creep. A total liar and cheat like this "ignoramus" Trump cannot continue to run this country. His word stinks all around the world. He is so much of a "moron" per ex-Sec of State Rex Tillerson and an "ignoramus" per conservative commentator Ann Coulter that he is totally untrustworthy..

A President of the United States must be smart and honest. Trump is a dunce. 
Not even his wife can trust him to keep his pants on around other women. Every move he makes is dumber then the last. He goes kiss kiss with North Korea and says we are good with them. North Korea does nothing except take pictures with Trump and Kim Jong Un writes love letters to Trump and claims North Korea will denuclearize. 
Kim laughs at Trump as North Korea keeps building up their arsenal. 

Trump stands at the podium in Helsinki with murderer, KGB killer Putin of Russia and talks nice to him. Trump praises Putin while not having the balls to confront him to his face and telling him to stop meddling in our elections and to apologize for meddling in our 2016 election. 
Trump is clearly afraid of him because Trump is a natural chickenshit who cannot stare down a bird.

Just a few days ago Jamal Khashoggi, an American resident who works for the Washington Post was murdered in Saudi Arabia. Trump gallantly has said and done almost nothing  personally except send Sec. of State Mike Pompeo to check out the situation likely just for show. But, Trump will not even threaten to stop the 110 Billion $$ in arms sales we make to the Saudis.

Also, Jared Kushner and Trump are doing real estate business and borrowing money from the Saudis. Forget about those Saudi low lives being responsible for 9/11. We do not talk about that.

Trump stands up and declares that he knows more about defense then Defense Secretary James Mattis. Huh? Trump does not know about anything better then anyone I can think of. 

There was a reason that Howard Stern the Sirius radio personality used to call Trump Donald Douchebag. 

Stern had it right. 

Monday, October 15, 2018


Just who and how many and for how much money did Donald Trump stiff people and businesses for? How about people who had to go broke because big tycoon Donald Trump would not pay his vendors so his creditors could not pay their vendors. There are many stories about Trump that are unknown. Share them. 

He just got ordered to pay 2 million dollars for screwing a charity. He has beaten our government for a ton of money in taxes. He will not show his tax returns. 

He certainly is Putins bitch. He is a coward and a bully who shakes in the presence of anyone who will stand up to him. 

Trump went bankrupt 5 times for millions of dollars. Many people who did business with that giant fraudster and con man got wiped out. 
Tell me your Trump stories. I will print them. Many people read my blog. Do not be afraid. He has no guts.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Chickenshit Republicans Still Afraid Of Dumb Donald Trump

It is sickening watching the Supreme Court hearing. I do not know why all this time is wasted. I suppose Justice Clarence Thomas is sleeping like he slept through his own hearing while everyone is questioning this right wing goof Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh will win.

The Republicans will all vote for him and the Democrats will all vote against him. It is all partisan and not about electing an objective judge. It all stinks. It's all about Trump appointing nominating Kavanaugh so Kavanaugh will not allow Trump to be impeached and indicted for his crimes. I hope all of this backfires. I hope Kavanaugh somehow loses the vote and does not get confirmed. But, the chickenshit Republicans will not find the spine to challenge Trumps power.

Maybe strange things will happen and some gutsy Republicans will vote against Kavanaugh. What fun that would be. 

By the end of the week Trump might do something so crazy that he will throw the entire government up for grabs. I hope so.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Trump Pimps For Cable News Stations

Why can't news organizations such as CNN, MSNBC, and others stop providing coverage of Trumps rallies? They whore themselves out to Trump.  Who needs to see them? Trump gets the focus of all the news sources because he is a big traffic draw for advertisers. People love sensationalized stories and gobble up all the crap put out by the demented monster Donald Trump.
Unfortunately, the same new sources who complain and criticize Trump 24/7  just keep on giving that "ignoramus"  continual, free publicity to keep their ratings up. The cable stations are as responsible as anyone for Trump being allowed to make crap out of the country because of their greed and fear of losing revenues or viewers to competing networks.
Trump has the cable news stations, the announcers and newscasters, the pundits,  and the network experts all sucking on his every word.  As sick and twisted as Trump is, he is the key to the success of thousands of people who make a living on his daily, vengeful drippings for profits and ratings.
The day will come when Trump ends and when he is no more newsworthy. The Trump monster will sink to the bottom of the sea.
You know what? The news hounds will desperately seek another spectacularly evil monster to take his place. 
That is how it is. But, will trump get much more of a chance to destroy the country and maybe the world?

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Rotten Politicians And The NRA

Have faith in these activist young people all you lame adults.. We elderly refused to stand up against the gutless, cowardly, putrid, ignorant, myopic, money grubbing politicians. These young people will stand up for us.  They are saying they have taken enough and we will not take anymore.. Their movement will get bigger and bigger because it is right.  It is all of our faults that maniacs have been allowed to shoot and kill  children in schools with assault rifles. We adults have only screamed and yelled when disaster happens and then sat back down passively.
Kids are the ones who run the country in almost every arena.  Entertainment, technology, fashion, education, sports etc. It is their show. What they believe in is what goes. It is hard to get their attention but when they go into action they mean business. Then the country changes. That is about to happen again.
Young people are at the inception of mobilizing against those killer assault rifles and against the politicians who support them because the National Rifle Association makes big contributions to their slimy campaigns.
Well, remember Nixon and Vietnam? Who was it that forced the Vietnam war to end? Young people with a cause.  President Lyndon Johnson could not even run again because of the outrage of young protesters.
Unfortunately, most of us did not rise in outrage over the Vietnam war quickly enough and  then we sat still again while the bogus war in Iraq destroyed lives and land unnecessarily.  We were too busy.  Too timid.
Then, the wounded and dead bodies started coming back home. So many brave people from all over the world were shot, maimed, and killed  For no reason. For no reason at all.
What we passively have accepted is a sickening epitaph to so many of our lives. The incontrovertible evidence of turning the other cheek has ripped us apart again and again.. Just like what is happening now.  We have not learned our lessons as intelligent adults should.
Our kids will now teach us. They will pay our debts to humanity. They will stop the killing.  But, it will take time.
Our shithead President is a prime example of how pathetic the United States of America has become. He is a total fool who will not be helpful to the kids intentionally.
Assault rifles are only good for killing people. These new patriots will not stand for being manipulated like we have been. Money sucking politicians financed by the NRA. are on thei way out.  Ultra stupid politicians are now getting named and exposed. Our kids will not be be lied to.
The young  have declared war on worthless politicians. They have just starting hitting back. They are protesting and taking names. They will track down every scumbag politician who has exploited them and their parents and relatives and friends and peers. They will make the bad politicians more afraid for their jobs then the NRA ever did.
Money grubbing political pigs and cowardly, insensitive, corrupt presidential behavior will not survive.. Many politicians do not stand for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  They do not give a shit about us. They stand in shame for the wounded and dead kids because of their greed and our flawed  political system.
Money contributed from the NRA to politicians should be prohibited.
Any politician who supports assault rifles should be thrown out of office and sent to the front lines in Pakistan or somewhere where they can get their heads shot off. Over time, the young people will do whatever it takes to end the carnage. They will not give up.
Young people will not listen to the same party line and irrelevant bullshit that we have allowed to wreck our country and destroy so many precious lives. The kids are not schmucks. Many of us are.
The new, young patriots will create a revolution and will attract more and more followers so we can all live in a peaceful America someday.
Donald Trump and the pro NRA assault rifle groups will be looking for new jobs. As Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas said "enough is enough" when he was whining about unfairness in getting on the Supreme Court after sexually harassing Anita Hill.
Now, our sons and daughters are also saying "enough is enough" Only they did nothing wrong except they are now being forced to pay the price for our failures.
They will need support, these brave kids. Help them. Every resource will be required. . We have  millions of dollars to piss away on Trump's golf outings. Help the young patriots who will use resources wisely.
Step up Gates, Bloomberg, Buffet, Cuban and every other sensible billionaire, millionaire, and descent person who wants the country to change. Your assistance, influence, and resources are critical..
Take the lead supposed leaders.  Obama, Bush,  Clinton, and the rest of you. Get in there. People respect and listen to you. You can make a real difference.
We all owe it to our great country to help.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Dumb Donald Trump Drowning and John Kelly Is Not A Good Lifeguard

 John  Kelly, Chief of Staff, is just another Trump stooge. He is almost as bad as Trump is while trying to learn to  play politics. He may even be Trumps undoing. We can only hope..

Kelly, the babysitter-in -chief, is way out of his sandbox with his lies about the Parkland Florida massacre.. Also, the lies about Rob Porter's wife beatings. I am not comparing the two events other then illustrating Kelly's ineptness.  Kelly tried to defend and justify his lies when the press cornered him with questions.. He became angrier and angrier as the news people ate him up..He cannot handle pressure. That is why he also cannot handle Dumb Trump. So, John Kelly is also a bad babysitter.

However, Kelly is no coward. Trump is..

.He will collide with Trump because Trump will try to run over Kelly and proud John Kelly will punch back. He will end up  screwing Dumb Donald because he is not afraid of Dumb Donald Trump.. Everyone in that White House rats nest is suddenly crashing into the truth. Transparency is happening by default.

 Kelly  is just another sub-standard Trump employee. He was supposed to be the answer to getting the White House under control but now he is the problem. .

Trump should be getting a huge headache about now. With all the disasters going on in the White House Trump has to be frantically worrying about Bob Mueller coming for him with new charges like obstruction of justice. . Dumb Donald is started to get the beating he deserves. He is being pushed out into deeper and deeper water.

Dumb Donald Trump is starting to drown in his own piss..

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Trump Tax Cuts: Peanuts For Us And Big Money For Billionaires

Trump and his rich followers have made us all think that the tax credits, rebates, or deductions Trump gave are a big deal.. Really? He gave us all crumbs compared to what he gave the rich people.

 But, every Trump supporter is still shooting their mouths off about the supposed windfall small tax cuts we got  compared to the huge tax cuts he gave the richest 1%..

You tell me. What is $1000 going to do for your life? Ok. Maybe a little. But, not what $10,000.00 or more would do. .

We are all getting screwed and smiling as it happens. We deserve what we get.

Will you allow Trump to destroy us Americans?

How far do you let Trump go? Are you willing to lose everything to support him? Russia is no joke. They want to destroy us and he is willing to do whatever Putin wants. What more do you have to see.?

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Trump Will Be A Bust Out Again

Hopefully, Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee will lose most of his following and most of his money after he loses the election today. Never has a human being shown himself to be more despicable and deplorable then Trump.

This cheap, hustler got in all our pants with his carnival barking rhetoric. He came into the campaign as a game and then got into it seriously.. He knows nothing about politics but he is a great spontaneous speaker terrific at babbling about nothing. To the fools out there that believe in him they had some fun following him for over a year.

If Trump feels like he has a future in politics or even in business he has a cruel lesson coming. Since he truly is an idiot who no one will listen to after he loses this election he will have no one paying attention to him. Bannon and that alt right group will throw him away because he will have outlived his usefulness.

So, ironically, if the Republicans had run a halfway descent candidate they would have won the White House easily.
My dream is that Trump goes broke and cannot get any business.
How sweet to watch him go down.