
Showing posts with the label impeachment


What a pathetic joke it is to try and baselessly impeach Joe Biden. I hope the sicko fringe Republicans do not proceed, If the DOJ starts digging into the backgrounds of some of the most radical anti-Biden morons they may end up thrown out of office and impeached themselves for good reasons. Mr. Garbage, speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy a weak, groveling dope  and total Trump loyalist and Jim Jordan, two of the garbage picking Republicans attacking the President and his son both have dirty and immoral backgrounds. Jim Jordan or Gym as he is sometimes called would not act to help his wrestlers at Ohio State University a few years ago when he coached college wrestling when some wrestlers told him of the perverted sexual actions of Dr. Richard Strauss who acted out sexually with at least six of Jordan's wrestlers. Jordan knew and walked away without opening his disgusting mouth while knowing about the sexual attacks on his wrestlers by Strauss.  Cowardly Strauss than choose su...


Who has the balls to stand up to ex-president Donald J. Trump and his followers? Impeachment trial number two is coming up shortly. The facts will be presented again that this degenerate dog Donald Trump incited a riot. Every politician and person who is not brainwashed by Trump knows that he is guilty of causing the death and destruction that took place when he instigated his followers to attack the United States capital. Most Republican senators and other Trump supporters know beyond any question that Trump was responsible for the January 6, 2021 chaos and death in the capital riot. Yet, those who know Trump understand that he is a sleazy,  criminal,  scum bag and con man but they have continued defending him anyway since 2016 and before.  That is nauseating but true of these morally defunct sub-humans who care only about power.  It is forever shameful for those cowardly political whores who have kept Trumps bullshit con game going. They should rot.  They...


Dear Supreme Court Justices -  You all know that explicit or implicit pressure from President Donald J. Trump will be put on the Supreme Court to save himself from impeachment, removal from office, and possibly jail.  Considering all the appeals made to you by his attorneys to block testimony and documents he is clearly afraid to face impartial justice.      The complete disclosure you can compel may prove Mr. Trump is guilty of many charges he is terrified of having answered honestly.  He will attempt to make you complicit in his efforts to prevent the nation from knowing the real facts relative to his possibly illegal and unconstitutional acts.  He will enlist you to enable him to be above the law.  Will you let him do that? He will call in markers he may feel you owe him for your appointments. He will demand personal payback that he is not entitled to from you under any circumstances.  If and when all the pertinent facts of his action...


I am so sick of Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, monopolizing my life. But, I cannot stop thinking about him. I admit it. He is a drug and an addiction to me. I am addicted to watching, listening, talking, tweeting and reading about Trump on CNN, MSNBC  FOX news, Twitter, Facebook, and almost any media where I see his name.  Wherever I can get a snort of Trump I dive in. I devour his scummy life packed with sensationalized news each day. While despising every disgusting, stupid, vile, reprehensible thing Trump is saying or doing I cannot get enough of this wreck of a human being.  Just like any junkie I start getting withdrawal symptoms when I am deprived of getting Trump news.  For me, a minute away from Trumps activities is an eternity if something is going on with this evil, low life, gutter rat.     Eventually, Trump will not be President. The feeling of not getting Trump fixes will be like being cut off from any narcotic...


I am sick, enraged, and mystified that a rotten piece of scum, a moronic, ignoramus of a U.S. President can act in defiance of the constitution and continue to retain the support of a bunch of spineless Republican senate leaders.   The senators are a group of pure assholes who are willing to protect and defend Trump from impeachment and possibly jail in order to keep their jobs and their power.  They do not care about Trumps misdeeds, criminal violations, abuses of power, or any other betrayals of his oath of office he has  committed. They just hold his ass up with both hands and keep their faces buried in it defending him each day knowing he is a totally corrupt president. How in the world can absolutely clear issues of black and white, right and wrong. good and bad, logic and idiocy be debated by supposedly intelligent individuals? Trump got caught red handed several times with his hand in the cookie jar. End of story. Period. He's got to go. Who do we have ...