
Showing posts with the label hard on

Fear Would Not Let Me Fuck

Many years ago I went to visit a friend in Arizona. I was in my forties. My older friend introduced me to his younger daughter who I knew previously on only a superficial basis. She had never looked very good to me.  She was too heavy. But, she had gotten in shape and was a knockout when shes passed by her dads swimming pool a day or so after I arrived to visit him. I told him that his daughter looked great and that I would like to go out with her. He called her and told her of my interest but she said she had no time because her and her boyfriend were on their way to a tennis tournament and would not be back in town for several days. "Oh shit" I thought. "Too bad".   Shortly thereafter  the phone rang. Her plans to go out of town with her boyfriend were cancelled due to an argument they had had. She asked her dad if "that guy still wanted to go out with her"? He told me of her interest.. He then put me on the phone with her. I said  "I would like t...

Old Dick Gets New Life

Becoming a better lover is essential for many older men. For whatever reason  many times it becomes important for men to learn or improve lovemaking skills. Here are some simple tips to becoming a better lover. 1- Do not be defensive or sensitive about your desire to become a better lover. . Maybe you never felt like you  had to focus on your lovemaking skills. Maybe you decided that you want to be a better lover..Thousands of men decide they want to improve their sexual skills everyday.. 2- I f your erection is less powerful then you want it to be get a prescription for an erectile dysfunction drug.  In case you have been living in another world.erectile dysfunction is when your powerful new appearance.. Remember, you will go nowhere with women without a solid erection. It is the key to sexual success One thing is for sure. Erectile dysfunction drugs are miracle drugs. Just ask me..Your penis has to be good to go. It may need some help now..Get it. You can use ED pil...

Old Dicks Can Learn New Tricks.

Becoming a better lover is essential for many older men. For whatever reason  many times it becomes important for men to learn or improve lovemaking skills. Here are some simple tips to becoming a better lover. 1- Do not be defensive or sensitive about your desire to become a better lover. . Maybe you never felt like you  had to focus on your lovemaking skills. Maybe you decided that you want to be a better lover..Thousands of men decide they want to improve their sexual skills everyday.. 2- I f your erection is less powerful then you want it to be get a prescription for an erectile dysfunction drug. In case you have been living in another world.erectile dysfunction is when your powerful new appearance.. Remember, you will go nowhere with women without a solid erection. It is the key to sexual success One thing is for sure. Erectile dysfunction drugs are miracle drugs. Just ask me..Your penis has to be good to go. It may need some help now..Get it. You can use ED pills wi...