
Showing posts with the label white house


Enough is enough Mr. President. Resign immediately. You got the job because you are a great con man. So effective that you still have millions of supporters hypnotized by your bullshit. You keep insisting despite indisputable evidence that you won the 2020 Presidential election.  The facts do not matter to your rabid followers. They are now a cult of believers that have not yet abandoned you. Too bad. You abandoned them and the rest of the country of Americans you vowed to defend and protect. Many of us know you are a coward who is shitting in your pants because your term will end in about 50 days. Then, you are just another ordinary citizen in big trouble financially and criminally.  You are making a herculean effort to fleece your disciples for all the money you can raise. You will use their cash personally for the huge legal and other bills you are on the hook for.  You will try to pardon yourself for all the federal crimes you have committed while serving your patheti...

Dumb Donald Trump Drowning and John Kelly Is Not A Good Lifeguard

 John  Kelly, Chief of Staff, is just another Trump stooge. He is almost as bad as Trump is while trying to learn to  play politics. He may even be Trumps undoing. We can only hope.. Kelly, the babysitter-in -chief, is way out of his sandbox with his lies about the Parkland Florida massacre.. Also, the lies about Rob Porter's wife beatings. I am not comparing the two events other then illustrating Kelly's ineptness.  Kelly tried to defend and justify his lies when the press cornered him with questions.. He became angrier and angrier as the news people ate him up..He cannot handle pressure. That is why he also cannot handle Dumb Trump. So, John Kelly is also a bad babysitter. However, Kelly is no coward. Trump is.. .He will collide with Trump because Trump will try to run over Kelly and proud John Kelly will punch back. He will end up  screwing Dumb Donald because he is not afraid of Dumb Donald Trump.. Everyone in that White House rats nest is suddenly cra...