Viagra: Hard To Live Without
Viagra is my best sexual friend. I am a player who naturally thinks he can find true love through sexual prowess. But, I have learned that to get things going now, at 64, I need to use Viagra as my tool. My hammer. It's my best ally and it has done much for me. Many women have loved me sexually. So, a little while ago I met this beautiful, 60 year old, very smart and sexy woman online. We both flirted for a week in preparation for the magical Friday night dinner date we made.. She got a massage, bought new jeans and I got a manicure and haircut and wore the same clothes I wore on online in my profile picture she liked so much. We ended up in a frantic countdown to our meeting at this restaurant we agreed to dine at. We finally met in person . It was heaven. A dream. She looked better then her hot pictures and also immediately upon seeing me told me she said she loved every part of the way I looked. My face, arms, chest all met her dreams of what she wanted in a man. He...