What words can describe the total piece of garbage Donald Trump is? Really, it does not matter because about half the country does not care. He can do anything he wants and not lose their support. The other half of the country thinks the same way that I do. That Trump is just about every horrible thing a supposedly normal human being can be. The above represents the current status of our screwed up nation. It is totally divided because of Donald. It's Trump, Trump, Trump. Every day. He represents good versus evil. Either you despise Trump or you love him. Trumpers will never concede an inch against Trump no matter how indisputable the evidence is. Many think he is the messiah. Or, he is Dr. Evil unleashed and many of us will not rest until he is no longer the president. What if all the Trump defenders were subjected to Trump's illogical words when buying a car, going to the Dr., or discussing what brand of toilet paper to buy? Can y...