
Showing posts with the label jail


Should we call Trump Republicans the "Repuppylickans" because they are like scared little puppy dogs following Donald Trump around waiting get some of his love? Naw, I do not want to insult dogs. Dogs are usually loyal and friendly. Trump is garbage. Is this country now politically split into two enemies, not two parties? Are the Repuppylickans against everything the Democrats are for? What happened? I mean the joke is over. Trump lost the 2020 election and Democracy is supposed to make a comeback. The wounds should be healing and common sense is supposed to be returning. Instead, we have the"big lie" that the election was stolen from Trump. You have about half the country who are Trump supporters sticking to that devilish fantasy despite indisputable, airtight evidence that the "big lie" is just that. No matter, the believers of Trumps big lie are so brainwashed and closed minded that they cannot bring themselves to accept that Trump lost fair and...


He sat alone at the table built only for him. He is the man they call the monster. No one is allowed to get within six feet of him.  Inmates filled the air with vicious insults. They hate him.  The monster kept his face down and grabbed food with both hands, stuffing his mouth and gulping diet sodas. Oblivious.   Four men in suits guarded him. Always. He was served only junk food as he wished.  He ate and drank like a hungry animal. Eating was his only joy.  He did nothing else. No one was envious.  He had ruined America.


Exactly forty two more torturous minutes until he got satisfaction. He obsessively kept looking at the time on his little television screen.  Then, three Big Macs, four bags of burned French fries, and two extra large sodas, with three chunky chocolate chip cookies, would be arriving.  His small, smelly, solitary cell sat alone in a corner in the bowels of the prison. He could not be allowed nor did he want to be in the general population.  He was too hated for destroying the country. He would be easy, high value, desirable prey. Two different, muscular, serious men in suits would make each food delivery three times a day, everyday, without comment. The men would return exactly thirty minutes after each feeding to take away the always empty, sloppily, crunched up garbage.    The waiting was excruciating for the man they named the monster.  The monster nickname was an oxymoron.  The other prisoners knew him to be a physical coward from the few time...


He sat alone at the table built only for him. He is the man they call the monster. No one is allowed to get within six feet of him. Inmates filled the air with vicious insults. They hate him. The monster kept his face down and grabbed food with both hands, stuffing his mouth and gulping diet sodas. Oblivious. Four men in suits guarded him. Always. He was served only junk food as he wished. He ate and drank like a hungry animal. Eating was his only joy. He did nothing else. No one was envious. He had ruined America.


Donald J. Trump is the same spoiled, insensitive, selfish child that he has been his whole life. Does this fool care about how many people may get sick or die from a rally he held in ruby red Tulsa, Oklahoma? An unnecessary rally only held to stroke his damaged ego. No way. He showed no concern about encouraging the people who did show up to at least follow his own guidelines and wear face masks.  The dumb schmuck got beat at his own con game. Trump got hustled. He foolishly thought a million people were going to show up for his first 2020 campaign rally last Saturday night. Not!! His ignorant campaign staff was outsmarted by the young, tech savvy crowd who wants to take him down. They locked up all the seats in the 18,000+ seat stadium but did not use the tickets. One million people turned into a flimsy 6200 people.  A brilliant move with many more moves to come to keep this lying bitch from getting re-elected.  It looks like he is running out of suckers to buy int...


Every day I watch ignorant, blowhard, orange headed fake president Donald J.Trump hold a campaign rally disguised as a press conference.  Americans are sick and dying from the horrible coronavirus that this moron Trump could have headed off but did not. He disregarded briefings that warned him of a pending pandemic.  Instead of doing his duty and protecting us and keeping the nation safe this nauseating pig faced buffoon played golf. He told us not to worry and assured us we would be fine. He said the virus would blow away just like the puffs of bullshit that blow out of his  mouth.  But, as Trumps experts predicted from all their the scientific research, the global virus exploded in the United States. So, our idiotic, mentally challenged, unfit, illiterate so-called commander-in-chief started trying to convince the country he did nothing wrong and China should be blamed.  The virus invaded our country with Trumps help. It has already killed over sixty t...


Dear Supreme Court Justices -  You all know that explicit or implicit pressure from President Donald J. Trump will be put on the Supreme Court to save himself from impeachment, removal from office, and possibly jail.  Considering all the appeals made to you by his attorneys to block testimony and documents he is clearly afraid to face impartial justice.      The complete disclosure you can compel may prove Mr. Trump is guilty of many charges he is terrified of having answered honestly.  He will attempt to make you complicit in his efforts to prevent the nation from knowing the real facts relative to his possibly illegal and unconstitutional acts.  He will enlist you to enable him to be above the law.  Will you let him do that? He will call in markers he may feel you owe him for your appointments. He will demand personal payback that he is not entitled to from you under any circumstances.  If and when all the pertinent facts of his action...

Income Tax Trivia

Q-How old is income tax? A-The 16th amendment was passed allowing income tax collection over 100 years ago. No celebration was held. Q-How many people went to jail for income tax violations between 2007-2011? A-About 1700 people per year were jailed. Q-How much were Americans assessed in penalties in the last 10 years? A-About 15 billion a year Q-What famous actor went to jail for income tax violation? A-Wesley Snipes served 3 years for failing to file 38 million dollars he earned over a six year period of time. A-Over 15 b illion dollars Q-How far back does income tax go? A-In China, in 10 AD a 10% income  tax was imposed on professionals and skilled laborers. It was  eliminated 13 years later. Q-What do American taxpayers think about income tax? A-A new Gallup poll found that about 55% of taxpayers think their taxes are fair. So, stop whining and pay.