Income Tax Trivia

Q-How old is income tax?
A-The 16th amendment was passed allowing income tax collection over 100 years ago. No celebration was held.

Q-How many people went to jail for income tax violations between 2007-2011?
A-About 1700 people per year were jailed.

Q-How much were Americans assessed in penalties in the last 10 years?
A-About 15 billion a year

Q-What famous actor went to jail for income tax violation?
A-Wesley Snipes served 3 years for failing to file 38 million dollars he earned over a six year period of time.

A-Over 15 billion dollars

Q-How far back does income tax go?
A-In China, in 10 AD a 10% income  tax was imposed on professionals and skilled laborers. It was
 eliminated 13 years later.

Q-What do American taxpayers think about income tax?
A-A new Gallup poll found that about 55% of taxpayers think their taxes are fair.

So, stop whining and pay.


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