
Showing posts with the label putin


He quietly dialed the stored numbers of the heads of major US news outlets.  It was 3am Tuesday in Washington.  The same words were said to each startled person with no greetings or apology. “It's the President.”  The voice was unmistakable to the thirty people called from the oversized, greasy, black cell phone.  He ordered each of them to attend an emergency press conference at the White House West Wing at exactly 12pm later that day.   Each call ended with the words “no questions” and an abrupt hang up.  He then called key cabinet members and instructed them to come to the noon conference with the stern admonition “no questions”.  Finally, he called Chief of Staff, Jack King, his oldest, most loyal confidant and only real friend in his 75 years of privileged existence.  He directed him, without hesitation, to have the outdoor West Wing set up for “a big crowd” of reporters and others that would be attending the “high noon” press conference...


  David Stein  |  Coconut Creek , Fl Vladimir Putin is the biggest bully who ever existed in this world. But, the bully psychology is the same with him as it always has been with any bully. Putin will keep terrorizing and killing as long as his victims will not fight back. Whether the bully is in the schoolyard or in a worldwide confrontation the only way the bully is stopped is when his aggression is resisted. I understand. The stakes cannot be higher in the worlds conflict against the Russian dictator Putin because standing up to him risks a nuclear war. However, not standing up to him risks allowing a psychotic killer to take whatever he wants from any country because he has intimidated the world. Words will not stop him. Actions will possibly finish him. So far, the bully Vladimir Putin has not been tested to see if he will bow to fear being instilled in him by America and all the NATO countries showing and telling him they will take no more punishment. Putin will not...


  Those Mother F...... Russians are letting patriot Alexel Navalny die now. Speak up gutless McConnell, McCarthy, Jordan, Gaetz etc. Tell Putin what a piece of s... he is for letting Navalny die. Speak out as human beings instead of lap dogs. Attack Putin boldly like you attacked everyone who opposes POS Trump. Can you? Would you? How gutless are you. Help our President Joe Biden. Do your job as supporters of the constitution instead of opposers to the constitution. Too scary for you and your cowardly Republicans to even consider? Tell your master Trump to do something about Navalny. I am sure he cares greatly. LOL. He is a fine American like all of you supporters and puppets. Pathetically, you would rather fight with Democrats or anyone else about your idiotic approaches to subjects like coronavirus vaccine, equal rights, stimulis payments, unemployment rather than doing productive things. Stop wasting your time and taxpayer money and start caring about America or quit and find...


America may be going down the drain and becoming a police state . Trump wants to be President for life.  There are more than 200,000 dead Americans from the coronavirus.  American soldiers have been killed because of bounties put on their heads by our enemy, Russian president Vladimir Putin. Trump has done nothing in response to Putin's election interference and treachery.  He is terrified of Putin. Over twenty million Americans are unemployed. Our president and some of his cronies are working against Joe Biden with Russian assistance like in 2016.  Trump calls our veterans and heroes "suckers" and "losers".  So, what are the majority of the voters focused on?  The appointment of the new Supreme Court nominee. We have once again been distracted by Trumps shiny new object which is his Supreme Court pick.  Forget the above major disasters happening now.  We are already desensitized.  Our national problem as a people is not only Donald Trum...


It's a waste. A giant waste of time. I have been writing on this same blog for about 10 years. Writing about everything and getting almost no feedback.  Lately,  I have written a lot about how I despise that miserable, despicable criminal Donald J. Trump and everything he stands for.  But, it does not matter. You are all immune from reading my writing the same as you Trumpers are immune from rejecting Donald's diarrhea. I post on Twitter, Facebook, to private parties, on other blogs. Wherever. It does not matter. I am a bust. I have only a small, sick following. My work is like a morsel of parakeet shit floating in the Atlantic ocean. Irrelevant . I am not really here. I have published several hundred articles that are fiction. non-fiction, I have started screenplays, biographies, autobiographies, porno stiff, essays. All bullshit to you.  However, all of it sits in my blog for the taking. One of you geniuses could probably do wonders with some of my work. That is if...


Ten reasons no one should vote for Donald J. Trump (not in any order) Feel free to send in yours (I will try to publish them) anonymous is fine. He called military heroes suckers and losers. He did not protect us from the coronavirus. He disrespects  women like the pig he is. He  disrespects all minorities like the pig he is. He promised to end all wars. He is the president during the worst jobs crisis. He continually lies to us. He is a low life and a criminal He has no respect for the LGTQ. He is a racist. He is Putin's puppet. He is a deplorable, despicable human being. He does not protect us. Joe Biden is a good man who will do his best to govern us.


Wonderful.  Trump goes on TV yesterday at his country club and tells a nation of people starving for cash money to live on that he has no date when they will get a check or how much, if anything, the check will be for?  The sum total of that big buffoons wasted speech to a sick, hungry, destitute country was to talk about nothing we want to hear about. No relevant virus talk, no relevant stimulus talk, no unemployment talk. The schmuck of the earth Donald J. Trump stood up there at his fancy ass country club and jagged us all off. He spent his useless time calling names and insulting his Democratic opponents. He talked politics. Politics. Can you imagine? We are drowning and asshole Trump talked about the color of the water.  He will not address the question of Putin's paid bounties for the killing of American soldiers. Putin must literally have Trump so totally intimidated and in fear of dreaded consequences if he bad mouths the Russian president that Trump is a tot...


WTF is this thing between Putin and Trump? What does Putin have over Trump that makes chickenshit Donnie refuse to even say anything bad about Putin and Russia? Trump has the biggest, stupidest mouth about every idiotic subject put before him. He seems to be a learning disabled total dope. But, he craps in his depends when the Kremlin comes up. He is silent.  He cannot keep his thoughts or strategy together for more then an hour about anything it seems. Yet, he surely pisses in his pants when Russia or Putin are mentioned.  Why doesn't he get up there on his bully pulpit and say "Hey Putin, hey Russia, go f-k yourselves. I am not afraid of you. I know that you made me President and got the Douchebank bank to lend me all my money but I don't care. You are stiffed. Just like most of the other people I have done business with.  So stick it up your asses Putin and Russia. I' ain't paying you shit. Sue me!


Truth  by  David Stein He quietly dialed the stored numbers of the heads of major US news outlets.  It was 3am Tuesday in Washington.  The same words were said to each startled person with no greetings or apology. “It's the President.”  The voice was unmistakable to the thirty people called from the oversized, greasy, black cell phone. He ordered each of them to attend an emergency press conference at the White House West Wing at exactly 12pm later that day.   Each call ended with the words “no questions” and an abrupt hang up.  He then called key cabinet members and instructed them to come to the noon conference with the stern admonition “no questions”.  Finally, he called Chief of Staff, Jack King, his oldest, most loyal confidant and only real friend in his 75 years of privileged existence.  He directed him, without hesitation, to have the outdoor West Wing set up for “a big crowd” of reporters and others that would be attending the “...


Trump and his candidates are going down the drain as I write. Republicans are losing massive ground. Trump, despite his attempts to rally his base, may not be able to save anyone's job including his own.  He represents many Republican candidates in tightly contested races and his endorsement is not helpful but can be damaging. Many candidates do not even want him around. What a testimonial for a President !! If he would have shut his mouth when his advisers told him to, his own position and the Republications appeal would be much stronger. Instead, Trump ignorantly has continued to embarrass himself, our country, and the people he represents by being a mindless egomaniac and narcissist.   He misguidedly feels he must be the smartest guy in the room despite how devoid of basic intelligence many Americans and leaders of other countries think. The President seems hardly able to speak well and when he talks he constantly lies.   Trump could not get...


Donald Trump. our temporary president seems to be giving up his power to Vladimir Putin, the Russian President. His knees were shaking in Helsinki when he could not even tell KGB killer Putin to stop meddling in our elections.Then, he refused to say anything negative about Putin even praising him in his treacherous leadership of Russia. Trump got his reward for being such a wonderful friend to Putin. He and the United States were bullied by Putin a few days ago. Tough guy John Bolton was sent to Russia to talk to Putin and got neutered by Putin when  Putin humiliated our country by telling chickenshit Bolton that the United States was now a second rate power. Bolton just smiled and sucked up Bull Putin's smiling insults.  Wasn't John Bolton supposed to be the ferocious fighter who would stand up to anyone? Not quite. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Unfortunately, the tree is cowardly Donald Trump who could teach anyone how to be afraid.  Donald ...


Donald Trump called Stormy Daniels "horseface". So big deal! Who cares? Is that an official act of misconduct by Trump? She nicknamed Trump "tiny" an amusing reference to Trumps penis. Again, I say. So what? People can make demeaning comments if they want to. This is still America.  In fact, Trump deserves huge doses of his own insulting, demeaning, sexist, and mean spirited medicine. Why don't people who are offended by Trump get real nasty with the creep? He is a chickenshit, nothing burger who deserves to be treated like the low life he is. He is lower than whale shit, the lowest form of waste in the universe. Meanwhile, a question remains for all who must oppose Trump?  How do you stand up to Trump's bullying style? People must learn how to fight him because he represents so many bad candidates and objectives that cannot prevail.  Taking the high road when combating him by using logic,  reason or any form of civility is useless.    He is an irrati...

Is Putin Dumb Donald Trump's Boss?

Rex Tillerson, in a conversation with reporters after he was fired by Trump from his position as Sec.of State on Twitter said he "really hopes Trump finds out also on Twitter that he is being impeached." Rex also said "I mean, I see it playing out with Oprah Winfrey or someone else when he is up at 3 am "starting a new feud with someone when he finds out."  "My only regret" concluded Tillerson is that "I won't be there." Trump undercut Tillerson, who was battling furiously for a diplomatic solution in North Korea with Kim Jong-ung, the North Korean leader. Trump said that Tillerson was "wasting his time" trying to deal diplomatically with the North Korean leader. Meanwhile, Dumb Donald agreed to a face to face meeting with Kim Jong-ung without consultation from advisers. He impulsively agreed to meet with Kim as if he was making an appointment with a banker he was in hock to. He made the meeting like a dope not a Presiden...

Dumb Donald Trump Destroying Our Country Every Day

Dumb Donald Trump astounds me. I do not think he has any concept of how to think. He seems to have no ability to evaluate what will occur after he shoots his mouth off. He needs therapy, not votes.. How in the world were people stupid enough to elect this troubled child to be President of the USA? Look at what a mess he continues to make of our country on a daily basis? Plus, he apparently put himself in Putins pocket by taking Russian money. Dumb Donald Trump will likely be indicted when Mueller finally is ready to take him down. I hope that happens very soon or we may not have a democracy left. Dumb Donald is truly our biggest enemy. He has all our lives in danger. There are almost too many problems and offenses he has caused to keep track of. Take him down Robert Mueller.  Please.

Will you allow Trump to destroy us Americans?

How far do you let Trump go? Are you willing to lose everything to support him? Russia is no joke. They want to destroy us and he is willing to do whatever Putin wants. What more do you have to see.?