Donald Trump called Stormy Daniels "horseface". So big deal! Who cares? Is that an official act of misconduct by Trump? She nicknamed Trump "tiny" an amusing reference to Trumps penis. Again, I say. So what? People can make demeaning comments if they want to. This is still America. 

In fact, Trump deserves huge doses of his own insulting, demeaning, sexist, and mean spirited medicine. Why don't people who are offended by Trump get real nasty with the creep? He is a chickenshit, nothing burger who deserves to be treated like the low life he is. He is lower than whale shit, the lowest form of waste in the universe.

Meanwhile, a question remains for all who must oppose Trump?  How do you stand up to Trump's bullying style? People must learn how to fight him because he represents so many bad candidates and objectives that cannot prevail. 

Taking the high road when combating him by using logic, reason or any form of civility is useless.   
He is an irrational crazy, wild, mindless animal immune to logical thinking who only knows how to attack to get what he wants. 

So, you go head on with Trump. He is not very smart. He seems close to being illiterate.
When any person, anytime, anywhere is bullied by Trump he should be fought in a dirty, ferocious, relentless way. Those are his tactics which have worked beautifully. Anyone who opposes him about anything better understand that reality. 

Trump is an immature, ignorant, abusive man-child having the mentality of a nine year old with arrested development always ready to bully anyone who will take his rhetorical crap. But, he is dangerous. Trashing him with guttural tactics is the only answer for one who must battle Trump politically.. 

Consider the people he avoids taunting and usually doesn't even mention. Strongmen. Putin, Kim Jung Un,  Robert Mueller, They scare him. Any bully instinctively knows who to stay away from. Trump is such a chickenshit he won't even fire anyone face to face. 

He was so scared in Helsinki standing next to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin he could hardly open his mouth to this KGB killer and  our mortal enemy. He couldn't tell him to stop meddling in our elections as was planned. I thought  In fact, I thought would see Donnie's pee trickling onto the floor.

As for all those losers who ran against Trump in the 2016 Republican nominations they did not have a clue on how to deal with bully Trump. Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich were not babes in the woods or newcomers to smash mouth politics. But, Trump ran over them like a fullback runs over weak defenders. He had no fear of any of them. He knew they were all afraid of his ability to talk trash to people who wanted to hear trash talk.

 Those contenders were psychologically unprepared to take on a fast talking con man like Trump who knows instinctively how to hustle the crowds. Good hustlers pick up on people quickly and know how to play them for however they need to. Money, votes, sex, or whatever. Trump understands that. "Lock her up" and the rest of Trumps platform was a stroke of genius. He ran with it.

.Trump took all his contenders into the gutter in his unfiltered, ferocious, unfiltered style nicknames and language they could not compete against. None of those guys had the sense to get in his face. They should have remembered what they learned in the playground. They should have gone low and scared Trump away.  

In fact, I think Hillary Clinton blew the 2016 election by allowing Trump to bully her on stage when they were both debating in front of the country. Trump hoovered around her and intimidated the shit out of fragile Hillary.  
When Trump was breathing down her neck while she was trying to speak she should have stopped talking, pointed her finger in his face while telling him to back off. If he would not back off she should have screamed at him until he did. He would have. 

He was supposedly too uncivilized for his supposedly civilized opponents and voters. He violated all the established standards of behavior for a candidate. Then he won the 2016 Presidential election.

 Now, think about the history of people we know of  who had to become radical, rebellious, irrational, audacious, and seemingly insane to find their audience.

  A few are Rush Limbaugh, Richard Pryor, Howard Stern, George Carlin, Bill Maher, Sarah Palin,  They ended up  phenomenally successful only because of their uninhibited, unconventional and many times grotesque styles of appealing to the audience.

If they all were not willing to say and do things which were very offensive and off color and intended to shock and offend their audience they likely would never had become supremely successful.

When people are willing to go to any length to get attention sometimes they get away with amazing shockingly improper behavior. . 

Trump used his naturally charismatic style which  all good con men innately have in playing to his audiences. He new that normal behavior would never win the election. He knew his limitations. 

What he did not know but soon learned was that there was a universe of disenchanted people out there who were waiting for a lunatic like Trump to come along and lead them against the forces the hate. It was kind of l like long ago when many of us were waiting for someone to come along to protest the evil Vietnam war. We didn't know we were but we knew it when it happened. It was right.

First the old establishment school thought that violent punishment against protesters would work to stop them.. Then, the President had to refuse to run again because the anger about the war had caught on. People were joyous that there was organized opposition to a bad war. 

Same principle with Trump only one big difference. The Vietnam protesters were sane and right in their cause.They fought against for a worthy cause. Peace

Trump does not want a peaceful nation. He is insane and wrong about what he wants to do to this nation. He wants to use his spoiled brat bully tactics to bring down the whole world just for his personal shits and giggles.  He wants a fascist regime because he is incapable of following anyone else. He needs the entire spotlight. He has no purpose because he is not trying to accomplish anything but just keeping the game going. He is the ultimate baby screaming for attention.  His rattle is his floating cabinet and appointees.He just wants to keep bullying most of the country as he has. 

 Does anyone think Trump really cares whether he is a Republican or Democrat? No. Do you think he cares about immigration? No.  All he cares about is making money, not going to jail, and keeping his flimsy base intact. 

Go out and vote in the mid terms so hes has no more power. If he loses the House he is finished.


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