The blame for the endless and overwhelming promotion and reporting of Donald Trumps sick, inflammatory rhetoric and behavior lies with all of us who feast on his deplorable words and deeds. Especially responsible for the relentless publicizing of Trump is CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and The Washington Post.   

Trump is always hot news. Unfortunately, he has a lot going for him in being the President, who is the most powerful man in the country. He gets instant attention. Being, outrageous, uncontrollable and having the charisma of a super con man has worked for him magically. 

No question that he sold us snake oil to become President. Americans have a way of buying into bogus scum balls and Trump sold himself ingeniously. He is a perfect Ponzi scheme engineer. 

 Look what we bought by electing Trump? Nothing good in my opinion. Actually, a Presidential disaster for our country. Seems we are falling apart because of him. Trump has torn the country apart with his brainless, misdirected, incapable, inefficient leadership. I think he is a total dunce.

Take heart. An ignorant, flawed, immature, childish narcissistic individual like Trump usually has a short shelf life. A person only stays hot when the media allows them to. The media keeps someone or something in our face strictly if they are making money. Period. 

Trump is an all-time media cash cow. That is now ending. He is starting to decrease in value. Sean Hannity is hurting him as well as Rachel Maddow in the ratings. Most of all, people are getting sick and tired of Trump and what he stands for.

 Trumps speeches are filled with talk of violence, hate, prejudice, bigotry, bullying, and every component that appeals to the worst in many of us. But, no one says that the media has to still cover and showcase Trump continually. However, the media are whores.

They will keep using Trump for every penny they can still squeeze out of him.. He is generating millions of dollars in advertising revenues because most people cannot resist watching, listening to, and reading about train wrecks. That he is. 

A wreck created by money, privilege, bigotry, entitlement, and by being an undisciplined and immature, obnoxious spoiled brat who has to have his way. Trump is a miracle man, amazingly, for many otherwise unremarkable media personalities making big livings because of the demand for reporting on him.

 But, he is nothing more then a loudmouth braggart, a punk, a totally insensitive bastard who thinks he is the smartest guy in the room. In reality, he is shallow and superficial, seemingly uneducated and actually an "ignoramus" according to Ann Coulter, and "a moron" according to Rex Tillerson.

You tell me what you think  of Donald Trump? Comments are welcome. 
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Every media mope and others who know anything at all about Trump hit the jackpot in this political period. That includes me. I will get a lot of traffic directed to my blog when I publish this. Think about all the money people are paid only to talk about how evil he is? 

Check the TV ratings for the O.J Simpson murder trial many years ago or for the Rodney King police beating in Los Angeles, or many other well known, unfortunate events. Millions and millions of viewers who spend  a lot of money become captives to the news. It is hard to not watch, read, or listen and become entranced when spectacular events occur. 

Giant advertising dollars are spent. Any disaster, no matter how brutal or horrid which attracts huge audiences earns unbelievable money for the media. They don't talk about how much money Trump is worth.  In the end, Trump getting continual coverage is all about money regardless of the righteous indignation that is demonstrated in condemning him. The media is cleaning up.

Think of the school shootings, the attacks, the bombings and everything else that has happened while Trump has been in office. There is big coverage of other things for a little while and then the media goes back to Trump again.  

 We Americans are consumed by watching fires rather then understanding how they were started. Who cares about Trump other then watching him act out? So, we stay tuned.

Even the recent tragic murders in the Pittsburgh synagogue will become old news. But, Trump stays in first place in the ratings, while being detested by a majority of people despite the fact that many corporate treasuries are overflowing because of him. 

If much of the news is "fake news" as Trump claims the medias relationship to Trump is    as phony as a three dollar bill. It is this shell game between Trump, the media and the rest of us who suck it all up and keep paying. 
Do you want to see Trump stop getting covered? Stop buying and watching and listening to the non-stop coverage he gets. You would soon see him fighting to get booked on a high school radio program.  

 George Conway, Kellyanne Conway's ballsy husband is right about Trump in his tweets. Check Conway out on Twitter.

When I hear all the announcers, commentators, military experts, pundits, and every other person who has some kind of knowledge analyze Trump it nauseates me. They are poisoning us with a sick person. Trump needs therapy, not politics. We need our heads examined for electing him.

He is the worst President in history in my opinion and a severely mentally ill, and deranged human being. But, the media licks their chops as they soak in revenues around the clock from his aberrant behavior and words.

Shame on all of us for watching, reading, and listening to those who keep feeding our insatiable desire to feast on Trumps mania. Trump will end but the damage he has done will not. Think about that.

I believe a sharp division of the country between red and blue will continue. Like in so many other losing situations the first loss, painful as it is, might be the cheapest. 
I hope we never wish we had Trump back again after he is gone. 
I dread what may follow him.

Lets come together.


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