Well, well, well. I found a way to get your clicks directed to my blog. I talked about my willingness to tell the stories of unfortunate people and companies who have been stiffed by Donald Trump in his bogus business dealings.

 I talked about how stupid and incapable of being a world leader or even a normal human being dopey Trump is. 

In the 1980s when Trump was in the casino business he awarded an $80,000 contract to a  Philadelphia cabinet maker and builder by the name of Edward Friel Jr. whose father had founded the family business in the 1940s. The work was for slot machines, desks, cabinets, bars, and bases. The final bill for $83,600 was submitted by Friel Jr. to Trump but was never paid forcing Friel out of the small business his father had founded in the 1940,s Trumps company, headed by Trump would not pay as agreed. Giving Trump credit was Friels demise.

There were about 3500 lawsuits over several years instituted by bartenders, dishwashers, waiters, real estate brokers, etc. Just ordinary people who did their jobs and were not paid by Trump when their work was done. I will get to those.

Yes, Trump is a scum ball financially and every other way. Just look at the other day when Trump shot off his loudmouth guaranteeing he would pay 1(one) Million $$$$ to Elizabeth Warrens favorite charity if she could prove she was Native American. She then did prove she was.
Naturally, that lying, cheating, bogus, crooked, sexual assaulting, creep Donald Trump stiffed Elizabeth Warren's charity saying he needed to do the DNA test on her himself. He has not paid the million dollars to her charity and probably will not. 

In other words, Trump lied again. His word is shit. It's no good whether it's about dollars he promised to  contribute to Elizabeth Warrens favorite charity, or his opinion of people he claims are "outstanding" and then throws them out. He lies about everything that does not help him personally. Trump according to fact checking by professionals lies all day everyday.

What a frigging creep. A total liar and cheat like this "ignoramus" Trump cannot continue to run this country. His word stinks all around the world. He is so much of a "moron" per ex-Sec of State Rex Tillerson and an "ignoramus" per conservative commentator Ann Coulter that he is totally untrustworthy..

A President of the United States must be smart and honest. Trump is a dunce. 
Not even his wife can trust him to keep his pants on around other women. Every move he makes is dumber then the last. He goes kiss kiss with North Korea and says we are good with them. North Korea does nothing except take pictures with Trump and Kim Jong Un writes love letters to Trump and claims North Korea will denuclearize. 
Kim laughs at Trump as North Korea keeps building up their arsenal. 

Trump stands at the podium in Helsinki with murderer, KGB killer Putin of Russia and talks nice to him. Trump praises Putin while not having the balls to confront him to his face and telling him to stop meddling in our elections and to apologize for meddling in our 2016 election. 
Trump is clearly afraid of him because Trump is a natural chickenshit who cannot stare down a bird.

Just a few days ago Jamal Khashoggi, an American resident who works for the Washington Post was murdered in Saudi Arabia. Trump gallantly has said and done almost nothing  personally except send Sec. of State Mike Pompeo to check out the situation likely just for show. But, Trump will not even threaten to stop the 110 Billion $$ in arms sales we make to the Saudis.

Also, Jared Kushner and Trump are doing real estate business and borrowing money from the Saudis. Forget about those Saudi low lives being responsible for 9/11. We do not talk about that.

Trump stands up and declares that he knows more about defense then Defense Secretary James Mattis. Huh? Trump does not know about anything better then anyone I can think of. 

There was a reason that Howard Stern the Sirius radio personality used to call Trump Donald Douchebag. 

Stern had it right. 


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