I believe Senator Susan Collins got played by Brett Kavanaugh so he could receive her Supreme Court confirmation vote. He sold her on his innocence, qualifications, and legal talent in conversations he had with her on a one on one basis. More importantly, Kavanaugh persuaded her that he was not a sexual assaulter and that he did not attack Dr. Christine Ford as she had sworn under oath to the senate judiciary committee he had done. .
Ford testified she was 100% certain it was Kavanaugh who had assaulted her over thirty five years before at a high school party. Ford's sincerity was believed and accepted by almost everyone who heard her testimony, including President Trump. 

 Ford felt tormented that Kavanaugh was unworthy of meeting the high standard of integrity and morality that being a Supreme Court justice required. She felt Kavanaugh was an unfit man to be confirmed to a lifetime position where he could impact and change our society for decades. She felt she had to overcome her fear and anguish about coming forward with this very old, painful event because Kavanaugh was unfit to be a Supreme Court justice. 

Over the decades, since the attack, and despite feeling continually traumatized by it she had only admitted the attempted rape to her husband, to a therapist, and to a close friend. She was scared stiff  but came forward anyway, first anonymously and then publicly to tell her story. She wanted to stop this predator.

 She finally revealed the trauma Kavanaugh had inflicted on her over thirty five years before. She gave the disgusting, specific, graphic details of his attempted rape to the whole country. She did so despite her great fear of the damaging consequences she and her family would suffer from her revelation.  

She bravely attempted to do her duty and protect society from Kavanaugh. Her fears of the terrible consequences of her actions were fulfilled, especially by President Trump, who taunted and made fun of her on TV in front of the country. She was forced to relocate her family and she received death threats.

Donald Trump may likely have only chosen Kavanaugh to save himself when his reign of terror and dishonesty ends if any of his misdeeds come before the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh owes Trump big time and is also on record as being against investigating or indicting sitting Presidents. Trump admitted he hardly knew Kavanaugh before choosing him. He had heard about Kavanaughs right wing beliefs and conservative judicial history and about Kavanaughs beliefs against indicting and impeaching sitting Presidents and that was enough for Trump.

 Republican Senator Susan Collins from Maine held Kavanaugh''s fate in her hand with her pivotal vote to confirm or not confirm Kavanaugh to the high court. The confirmation vote was very close. She voted him onto the Supreme Court even after receiving insufficient, limited, cherry picked evidence approved by a White House that desperately wanted Kavanaugh confirmed. Collins did not have the essential corroborated evidence to make her decision. She blew it bad. 

The rigged FBI investigation supposedly to honestly and fully substantiate Fords testimony was limited in scope to only a few individuals and  only with questions acceptable to the White House. The FBI was not allowed to pursue evidence that might have derailed Kavanaughs nomination. The FBI was stuck with examining fluff. 

Fifteen additional witnesses with corroborating evidence which could have wiped out Kavanaugh's confirmation were standing on the sidelines ready to corroborate much of Fords lethal testimony. They were never even interviewed by the FBI nor were Ford and Kavanaugh. 

The White House would not allow the FBI to do their job. It was all rigged against justice for Christine Ford. And us. It was a whitewash. The FBI sham investigation was only about getting Kavanaugh approved for Trumps right wing supporters. Kavanaugh is an anti-abortion, pro-gun jurist. Trump is dependent on far right contributions. Right wing people are usually anti-abortion, pro-gun voters. He desperately needed to show his base he could get something done. Trumps base wanted a very conservative Supreme Court justice to be confirmed. Trump finally delivered.

Lead Senator Susan Collins, whose vote would either confirm or deny Kavanaugh his seat rejected Fords absolutely riveting and totally believable testimony about her sexual assault allegation against Kavanaugh. However, Collins incredibly said that she believed that Ford was sexually assaulted at sometime, somewhere!! 
But, Collins mysteriously said that she did not believe that Kavanaugh had assaulted her!! 

In addition, claims of Kavanaugh engaging in excessive black out drinking which he also denied could have also been corroborated if  any of those fifteen witnesses were allowed to talk to the FBI. Perjury could have come in play if Kavanaugh was proven to be lying to the Senators while under oath. 

Collins, who held Kavanaugh's fate in her vote along with a few other Senators who followed her lead could have obtained the missing corroborating evidence about Kavanaugh's possibly illegal sexual assault and possible lying about excessive drinking.  

The Senators had to do whatever Collins wanted. She had all the power. She could either  delay the final confirmation until she was satisfied she had all the evidence the FBI could uncover. If not, she could have voted down Kavanaugh which would have destroyed Trumps efforts and maybe changed the mid term election results. Trump would have looked like bigger garbage then ever if he had blown the Kavanaugh nomination. Susan Collins had the Senate and the President by the short hairs. She did not know what to do
Her colleague, Senator Chris Coons insisted that the missing evidence was critical. Even after Collins incorrectly concluded she had heard sufficient testimony from Kavanaugh to confirm him Coons said no, the other witnesses testimony had to be heard. That missing corroborating evidence was everything. Not to Susan Collins though. She obviously wanted to line up with Trump and get Kavanaugh in. 

Collins seems either amazingly ignorant or another Trump ass kisser. I wonder if she has figured out that she temporarily held all the cards for the whole country but did not know how to play them. She could possibly have delivered a knock out blow to Trump with his base. She could have empowered women like no other woman has ever done before. But, no, she handed the keys to the kingdom right back to our piece of crap, dumb, defective Donald Trump.

 Ford had never been an activist  and had no record of making false accusations. She was living her life as a psychology professor with a husband and family and then she felt the need to make a sacrifice for women and country. She is a true patriot. 

No ulterior motives for her claim against Kavanaugh were ever discovered or suggested. . There was a total lack of any reason for her to accuse Kavanaugh of any crime other then her true belief he should not be put on the Supreme Court of the United States. 

He assaulted her when he was drunk. That spoke volumes about who Kavanaugh is. No one could write a fiction story like the true story Christine Ford told. No way.  

 Her decimation happened nonetheless and was led by our idiot, bully President. But, Christine Ford felt it was her duty as an American woman and citizen to speak her truth to attempt to prevent an unqualified man from getting confirmed for a lifetime position on the Supreme Court.. 

. She knew her efforts might backfire which they did. However, she was a super brave sole unlike almost every chickenhearted senator. She stood up and spoke her truth while others sit back in fear of the consequences of going against Trump. 

Also, judicial temperament, which Kavanaugh showed he lacks, based on his angry, biased, inflamed testimony to the judiciary committee was hardly considered in his confirmation. He clearly showed himself to be a partisan judge who is going to become a bad part of supposedly the fairest court in the world. Yet, Kavanaugh's angry and unprofessional personality is contrary to what the Supreme Court stands for.
But, the White House led by White House lead attorney Don McGahn, Kavanaugh's friend and sponsor and Rod Rosenstein, the assistant Attorney General deprived all of us from hearing the real truth of Fords allegations.job of finding the truth testimony.  

Susan Collins was ignorant and blew it for all who believed in Ford.! She should lose her job. She is not a smart politician. Her job was to hold up the confirmation of Kavanaugh until all the evidence was inspected to her satisfaction. She controlled a small group of Senators who were initially opposed to Kavanaughs confirmation. She should have handed control to Chris Coons  It would have been right if Coons, the strongest and smartest of the opposing Senators was in charge instead of  instead of Collins. 

He knew a real investigation was needed and no final decision or confirmation could have been completed if Coons was in control. Kavanaugh may have not been confirmed if Collins and the other non-committed Senators demanded additional time for the FBI to do a thorough investigation. 

About fifteen people were willing to testify under oath corroborating allegations against Kavanaugh and they were never interviewed.  Some were acquaintances from years before who may have contradicted Kavanaughs claims of innocence. They were shut out by Trump and Co.

His testimony, claiming his supposedly controlled drinking may very possibly have been contradicted under oath by others in his circle who believed he was a very heavy, blackout drinker. Also, two other women who could corroborate sexual assault claims also were never interviewed by the FBI. .

Shame on you Senator Susan Collins. You threw women under the bus and set back decades of women's efforts. Me Too. Not You. 


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