David's Place: DONALD J.TRUMP THE CHUMP RESIGNS: I had a dream last night. It was a sweet dream. In the dream Donald J. Trump the Chump, our totally defective President suddenly resigned. ...
It is a nauseating and petrifying thought that Donald J. Trump can win the 2024 presidential election. It seems inconceivable to me and to hopefully enough registered voters to defeat Trump and enable Kamala Harris to win the presidency. Why would this nation want to elect a man who already wrecked it previously and admittedly wants to be a dictator? Trump loves Putin, our arch enemy. Putin plays him like a fiddle Trump is a convicted criminal and a hunk of garbage human for every person who is not a multimillionaire or billionaire. He is completely selfish and only wants to greedily serve his own purposes if he wins. He may only be running to stay out of jail. He could then pardon himself for most of the crimes he may go to prison for. He does not represent you and I, the middle class, which accounts for the majority of people and businesses in this nation. Give Kamala Harris a chance. No matter what she does it will be for the benefit of us regular...
Rex Tillerson, in a conversation with reporters after he was fired by Trump from his position as Sec.of State on Twitter said he "really hopes Trump finds out also on Twitter that he is being impeached." Rex also said "I mean, I see it playing out with Oprah Winfrey or someone else when he is up at 3 am "starting a new feud with someone when he finds out." "My only regret" concluded Tillerson is that "I won't be there." Trump undercut Tillerson, who was battling furiously for a diplomatic solution in North Korea with Kim Jong-ung, the North Korean leader. Trump said that Tillerson was "wasting his time" trying to deal diplomatically with the North Korean leader. Meanwhile, Dumb Donald agreed to a face to face meeting with Kim Jong-ung without consultation from advisers. He impulsively agreed to meet with Kim as if he was making an appointment with a banker he was in hock to. He made the meeting like a dope not a Presiden...
I have been on this site for many years. I have been stuck at appx. $37.00 in my ad sense account forever it seems. I used to make a little money. Now, almost nothing. I cannot get Google to help me. I'm old and not computer savy. I have not been writing much here for a long time because I cannot set up this blogger site to earn any money no matter how many hits I get or what content I run. I have been exploited. HELP
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