Is Putin Dumb Donald Trump's Boss?

Rex Tillerson, in a conversation with reporters after he was fired by Trump from his position as Sec.of State on Twitter said he "really hopes Trump finds out also on Twitter that he is being impeached." Rex also said "I mean, I see it playing out with Oprah Winfrey or someone else when he is up at 3 am "starting a new feud with someone when he finds out." 

"My only regret" concluded Tillerson is that "I won't be there."

Trump undercut Tillerson, who was battling furiously for a diplomatic solution in North Korea with Kim Jong-ung, the North Korean leader. Trump said that Tillerson was "wasting his time" trying to deal diplomatically with the North Korean leader.

Meanwhile, Dumb Donald agreed to a face to face meeting with Kim Jong-ung without consultation from advisers. He impulsively agreed to meet with Kim as if he was making an appointment with a banker he was in hock to. He made the meeting like a dope not a President.

That makes sense. Dumb Donald is such a great deal maker. After all, his companies have gone bankrupt six times under his expert leadership and negotiating skills. He has stiffed creditors for millions of dollars. He is not creditworthy with U.S banks,

We elected Dumb Donald Trump President and many Americans still do not\think it was a tragic mistake. We will pay a horrendous price possibly losing our beautiful country and maybe our lives because of Trump.

I believe Dumb Donald got a lot of money from Russians who are.controlled by Putin.  He is one of the wealthiest and most connected men in the world. Trump needed a mega fortune to avoid personal bankruptcy in the early 2000,s and hopefully Mueller might find it was Putin and Co. who bailed Trump out with illegal money.

No wonder Trump is never critical of Putin and almost never mentions Putin's name but instead praises him. He is scared stiff of that Russian killer.

That may be because Putin owns Dumb Donald and may become his next boss. 

And ours!!


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