Are you a fool? Do you get conned easily? Do you believe whatever you hear or read? Do you allow others to piss on your face and than let them tell you it is just raining? Do you make personal decisions on facts and evidence or do you just look up at the stars, take a guess on what you should do and than hope for the best? Do you judge your choices of politicians you decide to support on what they just say they can do or based on what they logically explain that they can do? Do you believe that Donald Trump is the right man to lead this nation again as President in 2020? Really !!!! Well, shame on him for lying to us his first time running in 2016. We were not at fault. But, if we allow the same person to lie to us a second time shame on us. He cannot do the job right. We deserve what we get if we re-elect him.. Donald J.Trump does not know shit about most things and nothing at all about other things. He is an impeached president, a confirmed liar, criminal, ch...