
Showing posts with the label drugs


What a pathetic joke it is to try and baselessly impeach Joe Biden. I hope the sicko fringe Republicans do not proceed, If the DOJ starts digging into the backgrounds of some of the most radical anti-Biden morons they may end up thrown out of office and impeached themselves for good reasons. Mr. Garbage, speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy a weak, groveling dope  and total Trump loyalist and Jim Jordan, two of the garbage picking Republicans attacking the President and his son both have dirty and immoral backgrounds. Jim Jordan or Gym as he is sometimes called would not act to help his wrestlers at Ohio State University a few years ago when he coached college wrestling when some wrestlers told him of the perverted sexual actions of Dr. Richard Strauss who acted out sexually with at least six of Jordan's wrestlers. Jordan knew and walked away without opening his disgusting mouth while knowing about the sexual attacks on his wrestlers by Strauss.  Cowardly Strauss than choose su...


I am just another guy sitting in my kitchen chair trying to figure out how to become a successful author. I just read David Baldacci's autobiography who is the best selling author and he made writing seem so easy. He made it sound like just telling an interesting story to a friend was the trick. I am a 75 year old male who is retired and disinterested in almost everything I have been doing lately besides talking to my family of kids and grandkids. Writing seems like the one way I can justify an admittedly indulged existence only because of the good fortune of a well endowed family and some lucky business success. Otherwise, I feel very empty sitting out here in Florida far away from my roots in Chicago. I never saw the point in going to school so I en1ded up graduating last in my class in both grade school and high school then got kicked out of 3 colleges and inducted into the army at the height of the Vietnam war. Being scared to death of actually being sent to fight I fooled the ...


I just sat down at my laptop which I have not used for a few months. I have been blogging off and on for many years. I'm a bad procrastinator even though I love to write. In fact, it took me five years to make $106.94 from Google AdSense.   I am a tall, thin, white haired 71 year old Jewish male who lives with his girlfriend in a nice over fifty five complex. She is sleeping soundly in the bedroom that I just left after sleeping only three hours when I really need eight hours. Cannot sleep. Lots of anxiety. Its 3 am and I have swallowed a couple of Valium 10 mil. pills but they have not even phased me. Probably, too tolerant of them from too many years of being semi-addicted. But, I sure am glad I have them along with a stash of power packed Xanax tablets for insurance. I have ferocious demons. Anyway, I got sidetracked. I was going to talk about one of my many neurotic fears. I developed a kidney stone several years ago and read that if you ever get one you would likely...


I am so sick of Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, monopolizing my life. But, I cannot stop thinking about him. I admit it. He is a drug and an addiction to me. I am addicted to watching, listening, talking, tweeting and reading about Trump on CNN, MSNBC  FOX news, Twitter, Facebook, and almost any media where I see his name.  Wherever I can get a snort of Trump I dive in. I devour his scummy life packed with sensationalized news each day. While despising every disgusting, stupid, vile, reprehensible thing Trump is saying or doing I cannot get enough of this wreck of a human being.  Just like any junkie I start getting withdrawal symptoms when I am deprived of getting Trump news.  For me, a minute away from Trumps activities is an eternity if something is going on with this evil, low life, gutter rat.     Eventually, Trump will not be President. The feeling of not getting Trump fixes will be like being cut off from any narcotic...

Compulsive Gambler With Nowhere To Go

Write, write write, I am a 67 year old guy who wants to leave his mark on the world and writing is the one approach I can think of.  I certainly will never run out of content. I blew a ton of money because I am a compulsive who built a small business newspaper in the 80,s and 90,s. I have lived a life of sex, drugs, and chasing women.I sit here alone and depressed. I have great children and grandchildren, no debts because I have been bailed out, I'm sucks. Depression is destroying me. I started the newspaper with literally no money but I was great at selling ads. So, in a few years I had the newspaper it up to a million dollar volume and 25 people working for me. I didn’t know shit about managing a business or publishing or anything that makes a good publication.. But man, could I hustle that advertising space. On the phone, in person, selling subscriptions or selling full page ads to IBM or the corner store.. It did not matter. I was a great hustler. ...

Gossip King

Reese Witherspoon paid a $100.00 fine for her disorderly conduct arrest. She thought that screaming to police "Do you know my name? would get her out of trouble. Sweet Reese seems not so sweet after all. Drinking is a monster for anyone who cannot control it. It destroys everything in it's path. Poor Reese and all alcoholics. I know about it from personal experience. Chaz Bono, that fat boy son of Cher  lost 60 lbs but is supposedly still unhappy with his obesity.. He is a 44 year old stuffed pig of a transgender. He is especially concerned with his chubby face. Willie Nelson was supposedly held at gunpoint by his second wife, Shirley Collie, because of his cheating. Bad country music guys are also Garth Brooks, Tim McGraw, .Kenny Chesney, and Craig Schelske. Shame shame. How about ugly Lyle Lovett cheating on Julie Roberts when they were married. Kelly Willis and Lyle were caught red handed leaving a hotel in Austin, Texas. Catherine Zeta-Jones was re-admitted to a cr...