Compulsive Gambler With Nowhere To Go

Write, write write, I am a 67 year old guy who wants to leave his mark on the world
and writing is the one approach I can think of.  I certainly will never run out of content. I blew a ton of money because I am a compulsive who built a small business newspaper in the 80,s and 90,s. I have lived a life of sex, drugs, and chasing women.I sit here alone and depressed. I have great children and grandchildren, no debts because I have been bailed out, I'm sucks. Depression is destroying me.

I started the newspaper with literally no money but I was great at selling ads. So, in a few years I had the newspaper it up to a million dollar volume and 25 people working for me. I didn’t know shit about managing a business or publishing or anything that makes a good publication.. But man, could I hustle that advertising space. On the phone, in person, selling subscriptions or selling full page ads to IBM or the corner store.. It did not matter. I was a great hustler.

But, I could not stop gambling so almost all the money made from sales, taken from those inept  investors, from those disgusting bankers went down the tubes at the crap tables, to bookmakers, in poker games, into the stock market. So, to make a very long story short  I blew about 2 million dollars, went bankrupt, and only got right financially after going to Gambler Anonymous on Jan 9, 2009 and not making a bet since then. 

So, here I sit...with the flu. But, it does not matter. 
I have nowhere to go.


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