
Showing posts with the label bankrupt


How did Attorney General Bill Barr, once a distinguished lawyer, decide to write a paper to Donald Trump essentially offering to become his exclusive whore? A letter that said, that in Barr's opinion, a sitting president was basically immune from the law. That said that Barr felt the Commander-in-Chief was by and large above the law. So, bogus Trump got Barr in as Attorney General in a heartbeat. The Attorney General is supposed to work for all the people equally. He is the boss of the Justice Dept. .promising to uphold the laws of the land and make his best efforts in managing the Justice Dept. Instead, he became Trumps personal whore masquerading as Attorney General. He has acted to defend, lie for, support, and  cover up Trumps many abuses and violations of the Presidency.  He instantly started acting as Trumps personal attorney as soon as he became AG. instead of being the legitimate Attorney General of the United States which he was charged with. Why? Barr is so bogus and...


Are you a fool? Do you get conned easily? Do you believe whatever you hear or read? Do you allow others to piss on your face and than let them tell you it is just raining?  Do you make personal decisions on facts and evidence or do you just look up at the stars, take a guess on what you should do and than hope for the best? Do you judge your choices of politicians you decide to support on what they just say they can do or based on what they logically explain that they can do? Do you believe that Donald Trump is the right man to lead this nation again as President in 2020? Really !!!! Well, shame on him for lying to us his first time running in 2016. We were not at fault.  But, if we allow the same person to lie to us a second time shame on us. He cannot do the job right. We deserve what we get if we re-elect him.. Donald J.Trump does not know shit about most things and nothing at all about other things. He is an impeached president, a confirmed liar, criminal, ch...


Just who and how many and for how much money did Donald Trump stiff people and businesses for? How about people who had to go broke because big tycoon Donald Trump would not pay his vendors so his creditors could not pay their vendors. There are many stories about Trump that are unknown. Share them.  He just got ordered to pay 2 million dollars for screwing a charity. He has beaten our government for a ton of money in taxes. He will not show his tax returns.  He certainly is Putins bitch. He is a coward and a bully who shakes in the presence of anyone who will stand up to him.  Trump went bankrupt 5 times for millions of dollars. Many people who did business with that giant fraudster and con man got wiped out.  Tell me your Trump stories. I will print them. Many people read my blog. Do not be afraid. He has no guts.

Trump Will Be A Bust Out Again

Hopefully, Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee will lose most of his following and most of his money after he loses the election today. Never has a human being shown himself to be more despicable and deplorable then Trump. This cheap, hustler got in all our pants with his carnival barking rhetoric. He came into the campaign as a game and then got into it seriously.. He knows nothing about politics but he is a great spontaneous speaker terrific at babbling about nothing. To the fools out there that believe in him they had some fun following him for over a year. If Trump feels like he has a future in politics or even in business he has a cruel lesson coming. Since he truly is an idiot who no one will listen to after he loses this election he will have no one paying attention to him. Bannon and that alt right group will throw him away because he will have outlived his usefulness. So, ironically, if the Republicans had run a halfway descent ca...