Monday, October 15, 2018


Just who and how many and for how much money did Donald Trump stiff people and businesses for? How about people who had to go broke because big tycoon Donald Trump would not pay his vendors so his creditors could not pay their vendors. There are many stories about Trump that are unknown. Share them. 

He just got ordered to pay 2 million dollars for screwing a charity. He has beaten our government for a ton of money in taxes. He will not show his tax returns. 

He certainly is Putins bitch. He is a coward and a bully who shakes in the presence of anyone who will stand up to him. 

Trump went bankrupt 5 times for millions of dollars. Many people who did business with that giant fraudster and con man got wiped out. 
Tell me your Trump stories. I will print them. Many people read my blog. Do not be afraid. He has no guts.

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