It's a waste. A giant waste of time. I have been writing on this same blog for about 10 years. Writing about everything and getting almost no feedback. Lately, I have written a lot about how I despise that miserable, despicable criminal Donald J. Trump and everything he stands for. But, it does not matter. You are all immune from reading my writing the same as you Trumpers are immune from rejecting Donald's diarrhea. I post on Twitter, Facebook, to private parties, on other blogs. Wherever. It does not matter. I am a bust. I have only a small, sick following. My work is like a morsel of parakeet shit floating in the Atlantic ocean. Irrelevant . I am not really here. I have published several hundred articles that are fiction. non-fiction, I have started screenplays, biographies, autobiographies, porno stiff, essays. All bullshit to you. However, all of it sits in my blog for the taking. One of you geniuses could probably do wonders with some of my work. That is if...