
Showing posts with the label courage


I am sick, enraged, and mystified that a rotten piece of scum, a moronic, ignoramus of a U.S. President can act in defiance of the constitution and continue to retain the support of a bunch of spineless Republican senate leaders.   The senators are a group of pure assholes who are willing to protect and defend Trump from impeachment and possibly jail in order to keep their jobs and their power.  They do not care about Trumps misdeeds, criminal violations, abuses of power, or any other betrayals of his oath of office he has  committed. They just hold his ass up with both hands and keep their faces buried in it defending him each day knowing he is a totally corrupt president. How in the world can absolutely clear issues of black and white, right and wrong. good and bad, logic and idiocy be debated by supposedly intelligent individuals? Trump got caught red handed several times with his hand in the cookie jar. End of story. Period. He's got to go. Who do we have ...


It is reprehensible. It is a national disgrace that despite clear and indisputable evidence a small group of Senate Republicans holds the country hostage while Trump rampages on without regard for the consequences.   And why should Trump worry about his conduct?  His supporters have already made it clear that whatever he says and does is irrelevant no matter how treacherously he acts. He is even getting anointed by some as being sent from some extra terrestrial location and placed here to guide our nation.  It is eternally confounding to me as to whether some really believe  the false garbage he spews out continually or they are just acting like they believe in him for power, money, or whatever their purpose is.  People in this country are not ignorant. They are smart but get taken by con men because they want to believe. Trump knows that much. So does every other con man. He seems disinterested as to what problems his behavior...

OCD: Not Acting Out Is The Objective

I was working at a pizza place in Chicago a while back. There were many drivers working there and they represented a wide variety of individuals.  The ages ranged from 21 to 65 and I was one of the older ones who were generally not the objects of attention. However, being old did not give me any exemption from the OCD demons that have plagued me.  I overheard a remark this guy made about Jewish people. I confronted him immediately.and he did not want to apologize and I would not let it go. I quit working there. I eventually came back there to confront him again. I ended up swinging at him. He threw me to the ground telling me to stop swinging or he would hurt me. I left but still could not get closure. It ended a few months later with me begging him for forgiveness after I finally gathered the courage to go back there again to apologize. It was not about the Jewish remark anymore. It never had been. It was about how living with the remark had made me into an anxiety ridden...