I am sick, enraged, and mystified that a rotten piece of scum, a moronic, ignoramus of a U.S. President can act in defiance of the constitution and continue to retain the support of a bunch of spineless Republican senate leaders.  

The senators are a group of pure assholes who are willing to protect and defend Trump from impeachment and possibly jail in order to keep their jobs and their power. 

They do not care about Trumps misdeeds, criminal violations, abuses of power, or any other betrayals of his oath of office he has  committed. They just hold his ass up with both hands and keep their faces buried in it defending him each day knowing he is a totally corrupt president.

How in the world can absolutely clear issues of black and white, right and wrong. good and bad, logic and idiocy be debated by supposedly intelligent individuals? Trump got caught red handed several times with his hand in the cookie jar. End of story. Period. He's got to go.

Who do we have running this country? Idiots? Buffoons? Intellectually disabled goofs? Worse? 
These are not leaders. They will not even acknowledge that Trump is guilty of the offenses claimed against him. They know better.

The indisputable proof that Trump has violated his oath of office again and again and that he should be impeached has been legally proven and is apparent to anyone with a working brain. 

Yet, not one major Republican has yet stood up and admitted the truth about this fake, stupid and scummy president. Rise, one of you gutless wonders. You will become a worthwhile human being at least for a little while. 

How do Trumps defenders in the senate look at themselves in the mirror and not puke up their guts at their cowardliness? How can not at least one brave senator unload their repulsion at themselves and their colleagues for defending pathetic, mentally ill Trump and explode in anger and frustration? When did wrongly defending a rotten corrupt president become right? 

Not one Trump senator has a set of balls bigger then a parakeets balls as my old friend Merrill used to say about gutless people. These ass kissing, blood sucking, pathetic cowards know exactly how wrong they are to protect a guy who is all but an official dictator and Russian employee. But, they selfishly stick with him for purely personal reasons.

What the fuck is going on in this country when so many people have lost the courage and will to say "No, this is wrong? Take this job and shove it Trump, I am done saving your sorry ass". 

A few very brave non-partisan officials have testified courageously and honorably and spoken the unfortunate truth about Trumps misdeeds. They have not moved the popularity needle much. Yet. 

Hats off to them though. They may still have saved this country from Trump and his attack dogs like Kevin McCarthy, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Doug Collins, and Mitch McConnell to name a few. The game is not over. Trump did not get off. But, he must be stopped.

However, mother justice is not happening so far. Trumps pawns keep their snouts up his posterior. The Republican senators live in the depths of Trumps bowels each day. They seem immune to his stink. 

They tell us Trump is really undeserving of being impeached. They will soon refuse to convict him when the impeachment goes to the senate. Trump and his Republican senators give every American the infamous golden shower each time they speak in behalf of Dumb Donald.

Is this America? Do Trump and his devotees have any limits as to the amount of shit that they can shovel in our faces with their lying words without losing all credibility?

 So far the public says they are safe. But, things can change fast with public opinion. Trumps gang thinks they can piss on us all the way through the 2020 election. 
They will fail. Tyranny always fails.

Trump is the same dishonest, unethical dog he has been his entire spoiled, enabled, unaccountable, privileged life. He is a stinking, rotten, uncontrollable brat who should have never been given a dollar of his daddy's fortune let alone keys to the White House. 

Trump is a gang boss, a cult leader. He is just a common hustler and con man. He is not a human being let alone a man of honor and distinction like Americas leaders should be. He has no heart and soul. He is an embarrassment to our country and to the world. He has shamed us all. He will continue to if not stopped.  

Would anyone let their children behave like President Donald J. Trump without smacking their faces and cutting off their privileges? Or worse?

Man up one of you gutless wonders who is defending Trump in these impeachment hearings. Get off your chair one of you disgusting, cowardly well educated, rich, and fully employable Trump allies and say 
" Fuck you Donald, you dumb son of a bitch  Take this job and shove it up your ass. You are guilty of all the accusations against you.
I quit."

Let's take America back.


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