Do you love delicatessens? They are more and difficult to find. Well, there is a superb one in Boca Raton, Florida, The name is Zingers. It is located at 7132 Baracasa Way, It's dynamite. The food is to die for. 

I ordered a ton of different items considering I have not been to a real deli since I left Chicago's Manny's Deli almost a year ago.

First came that plate of coleslaw, and pickles that sets the stage for the real meal.

Than,  from my choice of several homemade soups I picked a cup of fabulous homemade mushroom soup that I immediately wanted to stick my whole face into.

Quickly appeared the big combination roast beef and tongue sandwich the friendly, funky waitress suggested. 

I had to open my mouth wide to shove in this gigantic sandwich I ate on an onion role. I was chomping so fast and stuffing my mouth so full I could hardly talk to my friend. I ate like  the starving maniac I was.

My friend tried to get me to slow down so I could speak but it was hard.  I kept obnoxiously mumbling while shoveling more and more food between my lips because I didn't want my mouth to stay empty a second. 

That is how good everything was. Best deli I ever found and I've been all around the country always looking for delis. Zinger's opened in 1994.

Even though my belly was busting I ordered a desert of kishka and gravy and sucked it in like it was fluffy chocolate cake.

When my feeding frenzy was over I went to meet the owner. His name is Lenny Levine and I told him I was going to write about his delicatessen in my blog for free to pass on the information about this treasure of a he owns.

Great job you did with this fantastic place Lenny.

Zinger's is located at 7132 Beracasa Way and the phone # is       561-826-7323. Contact Lenny@ZingersDeli.com. 

Yum. Get there deli lovers. It's the real deal !!!


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