I recently went to Dick's Sporting Goods at 8921 W. Atlantic Blvd. in Coral Springs, Florida. I had never shopped at any Dick's store before. I happened to need a pair of golf shoes and Dick's had a brand I like advertised at a low price.

I actually dislike shopping for anything. I'm too impatient. A friendly salesperson at Dick's attempted to find the shoe I was asking for and went through the racks but I became restless. She saw I was ready to leave. But, not so fast.

She politely handed me off to a nearby salesman with a name tag saying Jeff in the golf department. I am a 71 year old guy who has been selling and buying things my whole life. I know all about hard selling, soft selling, indifferent selling, lazy selling...all kinds of selling so I know it when I see efficient, solid, smart selling.

I'm telling you never have I run into a more professional, product savvy, friendly, determined, and caring salesman as this Jeff guy turned out to be. 

He asked me a few simple questions and than dug into the many boxes of golf shoes they stock. He had a sweat working from fighting through inventory when he returned with several pairs for me to try on. 
He apologized for the pair I came in for being out of stock and offered to order them. I declined. I wanted new golf shoe very closely priced to the ones that were advertised. 

He had me try them on and one pair felt fine. I was ready to buy. I said "these will work". I was not thrilled but I was alright. I loved the previous pair I owned for ten years.

But, even after I said OK Jeff was not satisfied. He instinctively knew I could be happier. He felt the shoe again and checked my toes carefully. "A little tight", he asked. 

He suggested I try on one more pair that was sized a little differently. They felt great. He looked at my wide smile and knew I was a happy customer who would come back again and again and likely tell my friends. 

"Perfect", I gratefully said to Jeff. I enthusiastically said "ring em up" telling him I would wear them out of the store. 

This salesman is all about why some sales people can make money, sometimes big money selling almost anything and others can't  seem to succeed. He sold his excellent personality and product knowledge. That is why I bought. Period.

I purchased a pair of golf shoes that were within $2.00 of the ones advertised. I am so delighted as I walk comfortably around in my new shoes. 

He did everything a good salesman should do to create a customer and also close a sale. He was the difference between me walking out of the store less than excited or happily switching to and buying a different  bran with joy..  

He did everything smoothly and with patience and consideration. It was just one pair of shoes. He had no idea until I was walking out that I would write about him.

If every business had sales people like him it would be so much easier to build loyal customers and make money.

Take notice all of you sales people out there who do not always present your best effort with your customers. Try harder. 

You never know what can happen by doing your best all the time.

Also, kudos to Dick's Sporting Goods. 
They stopped selling assault rifles in many of their stores costing their business a lot of money. 

It was the right thing to do. 


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