It is reprehensible. It is a national disgrace that despite clear and indisputable evidence a small group of Senate Republicans holds the country hostage while Trump rampages on without regard for the consequences. 

 And why should Trump worry about his conduct? 

His supporters have already made it clear that whatever he says and does is irrelevant no matter how treacherously he acts. He is even getting anointed by some as being sent from some extra terrestrial location and placed here to guide our nation. 

It is eternally confounding to me as to whether some really believe 
the false garbage he spews out continually or they are just acting like they believe in him for power, money, or whatever their purpose is. 

People in this country are not ignorant. They are smart but get taken by con men because they want to believe. Trump knows that much. So does every other con man.

He seems disinterested as to what problems his behavior causes. He realizes that his base of dedicated followers enable him to roam the world and be obnoxious, uncivil, immoral, and just plain stupid. 

He actually is a just a good old fashioned dunce in the truest sense of the word. He does not read, he appears incapable of thinking very deeply, evaluating, or acting responsibly let alone thinking in three dimensional terms. 

He is too psychologically short circuited to act like an adult. So, he acts like a spoiled, impudent teen age punk. 

What is going on here? Are we now a nation without the courage to stand up to evil? Are we scared of a nitwit like Trump?

 No.We are not. This whole thing with Trump getting over on the whole nation inhabited by the best, nicest, sensitive, toughest, smartest, daring and heroic people on the planet is just temporary. 

 We have not gotten permanently hypnotized and brainwashed by a simpleton named Donald J.Trump. It is not possible. It is a mistake that has not gotten corrected. 

There will be a national awakening of consciousness and sensibility. Trump will either be brought down by the citizens or blow himself up politically with his ignorance and grandeur. 
Either way, he is a loser and losers are called losers for a reason.
They lose.  


  1. Love it. Well written and right on target. It's all about higher consciousness.

    Good job.


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