Fuck Google and their Adsense Dept. That is the place that keeps an accounting of how many clicks your blog receives so Google can pay you based on those clicks. 

Adsense records all the data about how many viewers your writing attracts and all related demographic data in order to get effective exposure for their advertisers. 
Clicks represent money for Google. Viewers represent power and earnings for those who use Adsense correctly. I can't. 

Adsense has only meant Nonsense for me. It has been worthless. If any of my new blog material gets picked up by Google Adsense from now on than great.  But, I am done trying to understand how and why it happens. 
You are hereby fired Google Adsense. 

If one wants to use Adsense properly they must know how to paste code on their blog, how to use search engine friendly terms, how to configure ads, and know a ton of other computer information that is way too technical for me. 

It has been so SICKENING for this 71 year old school guy to unsuccessfully try to learn technical computer stuff. One must be at least a little computer savvy. I am not and never will be any good with computers or their languages.   

 I would rather sit in this seat writing stuff I want to write that may never be seen than be perpetually frustrated because I do not have and cannot learn the computer skills experienced bloggers have that gets their blogs audiences. I am now a happy technical dinosaur.  I love to write and I will continue to write. But, on my terms.  

 After years of trying Googles way I am emancipating myself from Googles grasp of my beaten up brain. I will use a few search terms and words. Just easy, generic stuff.  That's all. Why did I ever struggle to learn what I cannot learn?

They say content, content, content wins the day in blogging. Content is king. Write good content and the world will beat a path to your blog door is conventional blogging wisdom. I am all in on that concept.

 Now, I can finally sit down and write without being intimidated because I think I should be torturing myself trying to figure out impossible computer navigation instructions to get higher exposure and big earnings.

 I have been stuck on Google Adsense now aka as Google Nonsense with Google owing me $96.00 for several years. You have to make a $100.00 blogging on Google to get paid. I cannot get there. Keep my money Google. Good riddance Adsense.

I have a good blog with lots of true life stories of pleasure and pain, stories of romance, of wild times, of the psychological torment of fighting my obsessive compulsive behavior. Lots of all kinds of other interesting stuff too. 

I have written about everything from explicit short stories, to the importance of clean, public toilets, to depression and fear, to senior softball in Florida. 

 I have written about the agony and ecstasy of building a business, ruining my life and resurrecting it and about compelling, fascinating romances, crazy and brilliant people I have known, and dangerous things I have done to prove misdirected manhood,  Also, lots about my lifelong battle with obsessive compulsive behavior. (OCD) 

I am a compulsive gambler. It is a main topic I have written much about how joining Gamblers Anonymous has been my salvation or I would not be here anymore. My last bet was January 9, 2009. 

 The most important thing I have ever done in my life was stopping gambling with the help and support of my Gamblers Anonymous brothers and sisters. I am still very active in Gamblers Anonymous and will be forever one day at a time. 
It saved my life. It saves so many others.  

It may be a valuable subject for some of you possibly compulsive gamblers and addicted people out there to find out about. Get help if you have a gambling or addiction problem. 

Just Google compulsive gambling or addiction wherever you are. People are waiting to help you. They are the same as you. Call and a sympathetic person will talk to you. It's easy. It's FREE. Helpful, sensitive and friendly people who care are all over the world. They have been where you are now. 

There is easily over 150 stories and posts to peruse if you punch my blog up. Write a comment. Send it in. I love them.

 If you want to look at my stuff come and find me right here, not on some other blog or platform. 

Good riddance Google Adsense. I mean Google Nonsense.
You are fired.

Catch me at kingdavidsplace.blogspot.com.



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