The handle for my shower broke and I got frantic because I am totally helpless when it comes to fixing anything. I can't even change a flat tire. Call me lazy, stupid, inept, or whatever. The bottom line is my brain and hands are no good for anything that needs assembly. 

I have tried forever to become proficient with computers. I cannot. That has been my deficient reality for 71 years. I could not learn geometry either.

You have no idea how hard I have concentrated on learning   computer programs. No dice. I would like to make a little bit of money from this blog but I make peanuts from Google Adsense.   

Adsense is Googles bookkeeping arm to keep track of all the data bloggers provide by the clicks received generated to blogs they read and shop from. Google pays their bloggers per each click received. Google pays peanuts and makes a lot from both their bloggers and those who read their blog called Blogger.

 The advertising content which Google puts on any blog is related to the reader demographics. A blog receives the type of ads from  Google they can get maximum clicks with based on reader interests. Google tracks everything to monetize each of their blogs and pays their bloggers per click. Google charges advertisers to be placed on various blogs. We are talking hundreds of millions going through Adsense. 

 A blogger can disregard Google Adsense and can allow advertisers to run ads for less money than Google.  Also, a blogger makes more by going direct. I figured all that out! Look out Google Adsense. Your monopoly is over! Davids Place is your new competition. We are coming after your market with better prices.

Since I never will become technically proficient with computers but have an advertising backround and love composing and selling ads I will build this blog my way. I am going rogue. 

Davids Place is now accepting paid advertising to run on this blog. This may be your new, profitable home. It reaches thousands of people who read and shop from blogs each day. So, if we agree on terms than jump in and run your ad here.

We reserve the right to reject any ad for any reason at any time. 
We only will accept advertising from well established, reputable, and appropriate businesses who are fair and reasonable to their customers and generous to their communities.

Davids Place is looking only for quality ads from quality people.

Advertising from professional people, service businesses, recruitment ads, educational and training ads, tour and travel ads, , business opportunities, restaurants and entertainment ads, special events, items for sale,  community announcements are a few of the types of ads we seek. 
We are offering limited free space for non-profits and some others who are unable to do paid for advertising. 


Only EMAILED ads in English with clean copy accepted.  
 A physical address will be sent to you upon ad approval with an invoice.
Only checks, money orders, or Paypal accepted.
Cost-$25.00 for up to 25 words. $0.50 cents per word thereafter. 
Ad will run for 30 consecutive days.  
Approved and paid ads should be posted within 2 days. 

Text ONLY will be used for all ads. 
 Please email clean and clear copy which will be entered by the Davids Place staff with a classification.
Include your name and phone number. You may also email a photo of your copy and your business card. (optional)
We will contact you with any questions.

There is NO set up charge.

NO artwork will be used, no special borders, fonts, color, or special positions will be given, no proofs will be sent (just check the blog and any errors will adjusted.) You get text only.

Go to That is my blog and the only place where your ad will appear.
The readership is composed of many thousands of people each day. I have a very loyal following between ages 21-69 of both males and females, single and married.  Most are from the United States. Also, some are from around the globe. 
Davids Place has been around many years but has never accepted advertising before. 
Give it a try.

You get fair pricing, and uncomplicated advertising in a format that appeals to many blog readers who may need your services. This blog can be as effective or more effective than anything you have tried. People buy from places that make them comfortable and happy. Davids Place will do that. 
We look forward to your business.

Thank you

Send copy to:

David Stein


HARDWARE-Ace Hardware Margate
5843 Margate Blvd.
Margate, Fl 33063
Comment-This is the friendliest, well stocked, reasonably priced, helpful hardware store I have ever found for anything I have needed. There is a fine staff working hard in a clean, organized store that you do not get lost in or overwhelmed by. 

They seem to know everything about parts. The store is easy to get to with a big parking lot. You get lots of knowledge and products for all households and businesses. Super personalized service. 
This ACE is the place to buy from. They care. 


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