Pennies. Peanuts. This blog makes almost nothing. It is worthless as a money maker. That is going to change, I have had it         Davids Place running for many years. I have tried to use Google Adsense to monetize it. Cannot. 
But, I love Davids Place and I love writing so I am changing it  to make some retirement money..

I am going to start running ads here. Just inexpensive, simple, black and white ads, all American old school text ads. 
I'll accept only certain advertising and I reserve the right to reject any ad for any reason.

NO ads for anything considered unacceptable, offensive, or promoting violence will be approved and accepted.
I am looking for advertising from Professionals, trades people, service businesses, recruiters, healthcare, training and classes etc. Only honest, high quality, and reputable businesses are invited and will be considered.

Initial price will be $1.00 per word a minimum of 20 words. Accepted ads will run for  a minimum of 30 days continually.
So, you have to spend ten bucks to reach the massive audience of people in the blogosphere.

Ads will be composed of text only. Ads will be typed into any open blog spot of our choice .Advertiser must check blog to obtain copy of ad.

No borders, no color, no artwork, no special position, or bold print. or any special treatment of copy. Only plain text.
Any ad can be refused and permanently rejected for any reason.  

NO ads that promote or advertise violence, guns, drugs, or anything that is not generally considered legitimate, moral, and wholesome  copy.
 You will be treated fairly and honestly. There are no guarantees.

 Email only complete copy about the advertisement you wish to run.  Do not make special requests. Forget about the phone.
 Please include your phone number. 
DO NOT send in payment until your ad is approved by email with a bill included. 
Only checks or money orders accepted.
Accepted ads to be posted within 2 days of payment received. 

Now, lets see if I have any takers. Maybe I just backed into a new business considering that over 30 million people in the United States shop blogs each day.  

My first ad, which I am giving away FREE is for                              ACE HARDWARE.

I am going to the Ace Hardware store in Margate, Florida located at 5843 Margate Blvd. Their phone number is 954-972-1711. I need to buy a part for my shower. They are good and friendly to deal with.
I asked one of the old boys in my over 55 complex and I was told that Ace is still the best place for shower parts. Tell them where you found them.

Do you think this idea will work. Talk to me.
I am a 71 year old retired,  technically challenged guy who does not know shit about computers, codes, search engines, algorithms, or anything else related to developing a big following. 
I do know advertising like this very well. 

I have had this blog for many years and have never yet gotten a single check from Google. They have owed me about $96.00 forever and you need to reach $100.00 to get paid. 

I would have probably made a bundle o cash if I knew what the fuck I was doing.  In fact, I really hate concentrating on the one critical area that blogs depend on for success. That is content. One must be focused into a single subject and write about it like crazy. Well, that is too boring.

Some days I want to write about depression and others I want to write about women and other days I want to write about pickle ball.
I refuse to abide by the norms required to be effective blogging the formal way.

 I am now starting to work on generating dollars and business to all the millions of people who may read my blog.
All you need is one advertiser or one service or product to succeed.
Give Davids Place a try.
Thank You. 



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