You had to dislike Donald Trump if you were not his type of guy while going to high school with him. He bullied and insulted boys who did not have a lot of money, were not good looking, were not good athletes, and not in the in the phony crowd that he was the leader of.  

If you did not aggressively go after girls, have a big mouth and act tough, or were just  a mild mannered, friendly, studious, industrious kid you were Trump's potential prey. He followed no rules so he did not listen to teachers or anyone else. He did almost no schoolwork .He left school early most days or did not attend at all many days preferring to go to one of the local hang outs. 

He went through many sexy, girlfriends who were only trying to use their hot looks to  progress socially. Trumps constantly paraded  his girlfriends around in search of  praise.  He constantly bragged of his sexual  conquests. 

He was thrown out of his private school so many time that kids used to joke that Trump's father Fred was there as much as Donald was. That was to bail Donald out of  the constant trouble he got into. Donald's problems were solved by many large contributions daddy Fred Trump made to the school.

Trump depended on the misdirected respect he got from supposed cool guys for his popularity. Breaking rules and being defiant created Trumps popularity with his following of wealthy, spoiled, entitled, cocky boys. Showing off money was how Trump was respected by the materialistic derelicts who followed him. Being popular for all the wrong reasons reasons was what his life was about then and now.   \

Flaunting his flamboyant personality was always his hallmark. He always had charisma  among certain people. Plenty of sleazy creeps have charisma.
Al Capone had a lot of charisma. So did O.J Simpson.  

Hustling money with teen age schemes, pulling destructive pranks, acting smart despite being notably more stupid then other well known stupids were also Trumps hallmarks. 

Conning and fast talking whoever he could out of their money was a skill he learned early from watching his dad making shady real estate deals. Cheating on tests, exaggerating any small accomplishment he made and lying about his successes when playing sports or anything else he did was who Trump was in his teen years and who he remains today..

I was an irrelevant, not very good looking, not athletic, not smart, skinny, tall kid with a big nose who was susceptible to being bullied. I instinctively stayed away from obnoxious, big man Donald Trump who was in some of my classes. I played some ball with Trump in gym. I admit, I was intimidated by him. He was always trying to be better then anyone by showing off.   

I secretly always hoped someone would stand up to him and take him down although I knew it would not be me. I had seen him push around  many undeserving people. I never saw anyone have the balls to confront him.

If you minded your own business, were a good old fashioned nerd, avoided and backed away from wherever Trump was then you might never have an encounter with bully Donald Trump. I steered clear of him for the four years of high school we both attended except for a random gym class or regular class. Others were not so fortunate.

If you happened to be around him and he did not like something about you then he would see if you would take his shit.  First, you would hear a nasty remark from him, get a slap, or a push, He would test you to see how you reacted.

Bullies always smell out and seek new victims. Then, they can show their followers how powerful they are with their victims quivering around their presence. They want others to think they are tough and smart. Inside bullies feel so weak and afraid. So, Donald Trump would intimidate someone and then make his victim his newest bitch if the victim took his abuse. He owned and ruled his many of his decadent friends that way.

 Bullies never know when they will get neutered though. Disaster occurred one day when bully Trump made a bad choice and picked on someone he thought would be intimidated by him. He was surprised and humiliated when this unlikely guy stood up to him. It was a traumatic day for Trump in the 1960's when he picked on a guy who is now very well known but back then was just an anonymous, friendly, quiet kid. 

The kid had accidentally bumped into Trump while walking in the hallway between classes. Trump shoved this thin, hawkish looking kid into the lockers to show off his prowess. But, instead of walking away from Trump, the prospective victim bounced back from the lockers and shoved Trump back. Hard. 

People walking by stopped in their tracks to see the action. I was there that day up close. Trump, showing fear all over his face, had to made his move, knowing his bully stature was on the line. He ferociously again shoved this steely faced kid back into the lockers. But, instead of surrendering to Trumps fury as the kid again bounced into the lockers he came back at Donald, cocked his fist, stepped into him and wickedly punched young Trump in his fat, puffy face. 

Crack went that ugly, sound of a fist connecting with a face. Trump went down hard grabbing his bloody beak.. He was hurt. His obviously broken nose was splattered against his face. He looked up at the kid standing over him who would not take his shit. The kid was standing there waiting to see if Trump wanted more. His fist remained clinched. Trump held both hands defensively in front of his busted up face.He was blinking ferociously. Donnie was not getting up. He was trembling and choking back tears.  He had had enough of Robert Mueller. 

The crowd of students silently disassembled. I assume they and I silently celebrated the wreckage of this notorious spoiled brat laying on his ass. The big, tall, orange haired bully was holding his bleeding face in his hands and visibly struggling not to cry. The fight was over with one punch.  Donald Trump was beaten to a pulp in a heartbeat.  

Robert Mueller walked slowly to his next class. He was unfazed by the way he had demolished Donald Trump. He had better things to do but mingle with all the new friends walking up to him suddenly wanting to be around him.

Robert Mueller was a great guy and a great athlete all his life playing rough and tough gutsy sports like lacrosse and ice hockey. He was a perpetual captain of his teams and a natural leader of men. He later served gallantly in the Marines in Vietnam getting medals for bravery. He was admired and worshiped by both his teammates and then the soldiers he commanded . 

He was always a nice, gracious, friendly non-aggressive, polite guy. But, he took shit from no one. Ever. Trump first encountered Robert Mueller, war hero, attorney and then director of the FBI in a high school hallway. Mueller took him on and beat the crap out of him. That one sided  fight was not destined to be the last time they went into mutual combat.

In the last few years Trump has run into Mueller again. He started to sweat a cowards sweat anytime he was in the company of Mueller even many years after high school when they ran into each other socially. He was afraid of him like he is afraid of Putin now. He got sick anytime he saw Mueller. He would leave social events early upon seeing Robert Mueller in attendance.

Ironically, Donald Trump and Robert Mueller, came together again in a different way when Mueller took on the job of investigating Trumps corrupt Presidency. Mueller was given that awesome job because he is one of the country's best lawmen.  Mueller knows Trump is a criminal and guilty of many unlawful deeds. He will eventually destroy Trump you can be sure.

Mueller loves this country and Mueller does not play around. Mueller will not be satisfied until he gets Trump impeached or forces him to resign the Presidency. Trump could end up in jail considering what an ignoramus he is.

Mueller knows Trump is a bad man. He also knows Trump is a stupid, spoiled, entitled brat. who cannot stop talking.  He knows most of all that Trump has to be stopped from his crazy Presidential actions because he is dangerous to us all. 

Trump is, after all, the President. Mueller knows cowards always cut and run. Trump will probably resign or make a deal to save his ass when he gets petrified enough. Eventually  he may even land in jail. But, it will end badly for Trump because of his evil deeds. He may take the USA. down with him. That has started to happen already.

A bully is a bully is a bully. Jeff Flake, Susan Collins, Mitch McConnell and the rest of the chickenshit Republicans and Trump supporters have not figured out that Trump is an overblown nothing. He is a paper tiger. He got elected by dumb luck. By accident. A freak of politics.

Trump is so inept and under qualified both temperamentally, and intellectually the closest he should have ever gotten to the White House is in a tourists bus. Many of us know that. But, he is  POTUS and nonetheless destroying America with his idiocy.

Not to worry though. Robert Mueller and maybe a few unexpected people with courage and integrity will stand up to this "ignoramus","moron", and sexual assaulter.  Hopefully, before he destroys the entire country.

Mueller's investigation seems to be coming to a close. Trump seems about to get in big trouble he cannot get out of. Bullies always go down. Always.
Hurry up Bob. Trump is doing to much damage.


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