What a pathetic joke it is to try and baselessly impeach Joe Biden. I hope the sicko fringe Republicans do not proceed, If the DOJ starts digging into the backgrounds of some of the most radical anti-Biden morons they may end up thrown out of office and impeached themselves for good reasons.

Mr. Garbage, speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy a weak, groveling dope  and total Trump loyalist and Jim Jordan, two of the garbage picking Republicans attacking the President and his son both have dirty and immoral backgrounds.

Jim Jordan or Gym as he is sometimes called would not act to help his wrestlers at Ohio State University a few years ago when he coached college wrestling when some wrestlers told him of the perverted sexual actions of Dr. Richard Strauss who acted out sexually with at least six of Jordan's wrestlers. Jordan knew and walked away without opening his disgusting mouth while knowing about the sexual attacks on his wrestlers by Strauss. 

Cowardly Strauss than choose suicide after being sentenced to jail for his despicable and sick perversions. 

As for Speaker McCarthy who heads the impeachment effort he dropped out of the speakers race in 2015 partly because married Mr. McCarthy had an affair with congresswoman Renee Ellmers. Kevin is one of the dumbest and most gutless Trumpers out there who only got his speakership by selling his soul to a bunch of far right goons.

There is  a ton of dirty laundry connected to many other members of congress. much more serious than Hunter Biden who repaid his income tax  and his having a illegal gun. This guy is being hung out to dry by these useless Republicans who cannot even come with charges against Joe Biden, 

Since when are the Republicans so concerned about guns anyway? They do not seem to make any real effort to stop maniacs from legally buying AR-15 assault rifles and other rifles designed as fighting weapons.  In many states as you can buy a long rifle as easily as you can buy a hamburger. One of Hunter Bidens guns might have been sold to him by a place that lobbies and contributes to Jordan and other impeachment supporters. 

But, they protect their assault rifle lobbies who drop money on them to keep the gun sellers in business. And all kinds of people die and the guns keep firing at helpless people with a few notable exceptions who will not sell guns..

Meanwhile, we are getting close to a government shutdown while these goofs in congress fight with each other over nothing making no domestic progress and North Koreas Kim  and Russia's Putin laugh, have lunch and buy and sell weapons. 

All this in large part because of Donald J. Trump, a lying, cheating, sexual criminal who conman who has a strangle hold on the seats of the members of the Republican party.

People. What are we allowing to happen to this country?


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