He quietly dialed the stored numbers of the heads of major US news outlets. 

It was 3am Tuesday in Washington. The same words were said to each startled person with no greetings or apology.

“It's the President.” 

The voice was unmistakable to the thirty people called from the oversized, greasy, black cell phone.

 He ordered each of them to attend an emergency press conference at the White House West Wing at exactly 12pm later that day.  

Each call ended with the words “no questions” and an abrupt hang up. 

He then called key cabinet members and instructed them to come to the noon conference with the stern admonition “no questions”. 

Finally, he called Chief of Staff, Jack King, his oldest, most loyal confidant and only real friend in his 75 years of privileged existence. 

He directed him, without hesitation, to have the outdoor West Wing set up for “a big crowd” of reporters and others that would be attending the “high noon” press conference he had decided on.

“What's going on, Mr. President?” Jack King, excitedly blurted out. 

“I'm done, Jack. I can't take anymore. It's over. The con is folding at noon today.

“All my loyal supporters better get ready to go to jail or to go out looking for real jobs. 

“I've decided to tell the country the truth. The real truth.

From the four hundred million my dad left me, to the deal with Putin to get elected, and everything in between.  

No more bullshit, lies, fantasies, con, or deception about anything.

I'm going straight. 

 “We both know I've been feeding my ignorant base bullshit since I started running in 2015. 

Forty million fools think I am legitimate. 

They live and die by my words. Me! 

The world's biggest fraud. 

The worst student in the class. 

The bottom line is I am physically afraid to be President anymore. 

“When Putin hears my confession, let alone all the others who despise me and want my scalp, I don't know how I will survive?

 “I can't win in 2020, and I'm scared to death of ending up in jail,

 here, or maybe in Moscow after I lose. 

Or worse.”

“Then why are you going to tell the truth now asked the Chief of Staff?”

"Because, I might have the best chance of making a deal that may keep me out of jail and keep me protected by the Secret Service. 

"I'm poison for the country, and it's worth everything to a few honest party leaders to get me out of here. My value is dropping everyday as the roof keeps

caving in. 

“If I wait until after the election, then no one will have any reason to do anything with me. 

“Now, I still have the power of this fake presidency.  

“Maybe, I'll have a pardon party. It will be the hottest ticket the world has ever seen. Only, I don't know if I'll still be able to use the pardon power if I can make deal. 

The other crooks that have been kissing my ass always knew this whole scam was going down. The virus, unemployment, the Putin bounty on dead soldiers... look at the polls.

The game is over, Jack.

 “I intend to leave with dignity, no matter what the price. I hate the truth but I've got to tell it. 

I'm going out like a man.

I hate who I am. 

That changes today.  

 "I'll tell the world the story about the  bullshit border wall, about why I don't have the balls to stand up to Putin, about those pathetic immigrants, about all my bogus deals, crimes, and violations of my oath. 


"I'm also going to release my tax returns and take down a lot of oligarchs.

  "I'm sick of the presidency. It's just a shitty job. This whole country is gonna get the virus and go broke at the same time.

“I'm going to answer every question anyone asks and I'm going to tell the truth if I know how to.”

“What about your close supporters?” said King.

“Those fools always knew they were playing a con game that I was running and the con could fold anytime. 

It did. They are all a bunch of morons for following me. Just like all my old investors who busted out believing me. 

This is all about saving myself and a few of my kids.”

“And your wife, Donald?” asked King. 

 Who's that?

“I'm going to meet with the top Democrats and Republicans in my office after the noon showdown and tell them what it will take for me to resign. I'll shoot for the moon but

 they will know I have no more leverage other then stretching out my resignation. Maybe I can use that? I'm  resigning tomorrow, deal or no deal. 

I'm out."

  But, they may be so hot to get me out of the House quickly, that I might keep my pardon power.  

I'll test the waters as soon as the country comes out of shock tomorrow after my confession.”

“What if no one will play ball?” said King.

“I'm fucked.”

I cannot concentrate..

I want my daddy.”

You're the only person I can trust, Jack. The 

What will I do when I'm out of here without you  protecting me?”

"Pardons for friends if you can, asked Jack?"

“What friends?

All those morons knew what they were doing grabbing onto my ass and getting a free ride. Well, as my dad used to say, “even a train stops.”

“12 noon, just like that great, old movie High Noon, with Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly.”

“The showdown.

 I will finally show the world and myself that I do have balls.

My dad and everyone else will know I'm a brave man. Just like Gary Cooper 

That I'm not a coward.

I don't know if I can do this?”


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