You're Hot Or You're Not

I am so jealous of good looking men. I am a man. I have been observing the difference between the social acceptance good looking men and women get their whole lives from other men and women. I have also observed the way unattractive men and women are constantly rejected socially. I am talking about that automatic acceptance that good looking people receive from the opposite sex just because they are attractive. The hot people all seek each other out whether their age is fifteen or fifty.

I am 64 years old and have been walking the periphery of acceptance and non-acceptance by good looking women my whole life. Yes. I have had many relationships with sexy, hot looking women. . But, I have always had to work like a dog to get romances going. I almost never have been able to just walk into a bar, party, or anywhere and had good looking  girls just look at me and want to meet me. Instead, I have been shot down, ignored, and rejected, time after time when attempting to meet hot women.

I am not quite good looking and not quite ugly. I'm just descent looking enough to shove my foot in the door sometimes. Yet, so many of my past and present friends and acquaintances can just show up anywhere and they  automatically get attention. Do you get what I am saying? You know who you are and how things work. If a really good looking guy of almost any age walks into a social gathering he is in business. Same for good looking women. If you aren't attractive and walk into that same gathering you might as well stand by the wall and not take up space. You are going home alone.

Last week I  got rejected as soon as I showed up by two women who are nice looking blonds . Both were very educated, accomplished, and really very nice people. Both were on an online dating site looking for men. Both were willing to meet me. Both rejected me after we met even after having a good time talking, eating and drinking with me.

 I got each to admit that we were not a match because neither was physically attracted to me. I could feel that was the reason as I was with them so I probed. They each reluctantly admitted the same thing. I just was not they're type. I was sweet, smart, successful, and handled myself well. But, I didn't do it for either physically. I was out. Rejected.

Yes, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and beauty is only skin deep and people
 who make judgements purely on looks are shallow. I understand all of that. Meanwhile, these two blonds were not  interested in me because I was not good looking enough for them. They were not special either, Just typical, attractive  women I have been chasing my whole life and usually not catching. They are both sixty five now and the story would have been the same if they were both twenty or forty. They are the norm. They are just general examples of the in crowd.  I also admit I have had many successes with similar people. Always with a struggle and a hard chase though.

If  I were really good looking, not even gorgeous,  then either would have been a slam dunk to be attracted to me and we would have probably ended up going out again. In any event I would not have been shot down  because I was not attractive. So, they are just examples of the truth of my own insecurities about my looks.

 I know that at the age of sixty four I am not supposed to sound like this. I know that the next person I go out with who likes my looks will cause me to not care about these feelings of insecurity about my looks. But I am not feeling that. I am feeling unappealing, unattractive.That I am not a good looking guy.

 I really feel bad for people who are totally shut out their whole lives because they are unattractive or handicapped. But I am talking about me.

 These two blonds harshly reminded me of something I have also known. Either you are in or out of the in crowd because of the way you look. I still want to know what it feels like to wake up in the morning and know I am attractive to the opposite sex.

Instead, I have had to to use my winning personality, keen insight, and intellectual appeal to get in the game. I probably should be grateful just to have been born good looking enough to succeed with some women occasionally after really trying to seduce them. I'm grateful for all my blessings. Still, I want to walk into a bar or party, or business conference and know I'm walking out with a pretty lady just because I''m hot. Not happening.

So, now that I have vented I can go back online and search for another good looking woman and maybe,  connect physically with her.
But, I want it easy. .Like it is for the in crowd.


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