Every day I watch ignorant, blowhard, orange headed fake president Donald J.Trump hold a campaign rally disguised as a press conference. 

Americans are sick and dying from the horrible coronavirus that this moron Trump could have headed off but did not. He disregarded briefings that warned him of a pending pandemic. 

Instead of doing his duty and protecting us and keeping the nation safe this nauseating pig faced buffoon played golf. He told us not to worry and assured us we would be fine. He said the virus would blow away just like the puffs of bullshit that blow out of his  mouth.

 But, as Trumps experts predicted from all their the scientific research, the global virus exploded in the United States. So, our idiotic, mentally challenged, unfit, illiterate so-called commander-in-chief started trying to convince the country he did nothing wrong and China should be blamed. 

The virus invaded our country with Trumps help. It has already killed over sixty thousand people and has made hundreds of thousands very sick. 

When Governors from both parties started to scream and plead to Trump for federal assistance he kept making excuses. He did have an easy answer. By using the power of the federal government he could get the states the health care supplies necessary. He inexplicably refused to use that power until the last few days.

This dimwit is overwhelmed and incapable of doing his job. He is a fool and he cannot properly lead this country. So, he blabs away denying his weaknesses and mistakes and wastes time watching TV and attacking the media instead of working.   

He is a thin skinned, unfit, incompetent piece of junk sub-human being.  He refuses to blame himself for anything bad that happens on his watch.

Now, there is depression sized unemployment claims, closed businesses, and our food supply chain is breaking down.
Trump has fucked us all.

This evil dunce goes on TV and makes the mess even worse by turning the virus into a political football. He encourages idiots to protest and disobey his administrations own advice and act unsafely. He even defends people who oppose all of his experts imperatives to fight the virus. 

This devil and monster has one responsibility and duty that transcends all the others and that is to keep us safe. 
He has failed at the most critical time.
He is "scum" as he calls good people who disagree with him.

This orange haired devil should be thrown in a dungeon. 


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