Enough is enough Mr. President. Resign immediately. You got the job because you are a great con man. So effective that you still have millions of supporters hypnotized by your bullshit. You keep insisting despite indisputable evidence that you won the 2020 Presidential election. 

The facts do not matter to your rabid followers. They are now a cult of believers that have not yet abandoned you. Too bad. You abandoned them and the rest of the country of Americans you vowed to defend and protect.

Many of us know you are a coward who is shitting in your pants because your term will end in about 50 days. Then, you are just another ordinary citizen in big trouble financially and criminally. 

You are making a herculean effort to fleece your disciples for all the money you can raise. You will use their cash personally for the huge legal and other bills you are on the hook for. 

You will try to pardon yourself for all the federal crimes you have committed while serving your pathetic term as President. 

But, you cannot pardon yourself in New York State where Attorney General Cyrus Vance and other prosecutors have you by the balls. You will be lucky if you do not end up in jail along with some of your family.

 It is certain you will have to pay large amounts of money to many attorneys for many years. That money will have to come from your own pocket after January 20, 2021. You know you are fucked. 

And now you have turned on your own party of cowardly Republicans who have been humoring you in your insistence that you really did not lose the election. That is because they are gutless and terrified you will destroy them by tweeting attacks. 

You are a spoiled, stupid, deranged imbecile who thinks you can keep getting away with lawlessness because you have been allowed to so far. Well, buddy boy, every train eventually stops. Yours is coming to a screeching halt. 

If you do not deliver the vote in the runoff in Georgia for the two open Senate seats you will become a bigger pile of garbage than you already are. You will be ostracized. Many of your ass-kissing Senators will lose their power and their jobs. Think they will keep their lips attached to your butt then? 

Before it's over, you will probably humiliate and debase your own party by threatening to withhold your support for the sleazy Republican Senate candidates if you do not keep getting free assistance. 

Interestingly, no one knows whether you are going to help or hurt the ticket in Georgia if you do try to support the candidates. The odds are you will start talking about your sickening self and repeat your ridiculous lies, and not even try  to promote the shitty candidates your party needs to win to keep the Senate Republican majority.  

Trump, I hope you end up with no supporters, no friends, no money, and you call a prison cell your home. You tried to destroy this country and I'm sure you will continue trying until they throw your ass out of the White House on January 20, 2021. 

You gave up on this country in its biggest time of need by going to the golf course in the midst of a pandemic, a looming recession, and a terribly divided country for which you are to blame.

Resign today LOSER. Make America great again.


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