Trump Pimps For Cable News Stations

Why can't news organizations such as CNN, MSNBC, and others stop providing coverage of Trumps rallies? They whore themselves out to Trump.  Who needs to see them? Trump gets the focus of all the news sources because he is a big traffic draw for advertisers. People love sensationalized stories and gobble up all the crap put out by the demented monster Donald Trump.
Unfortunately, the same new sources who complain and criticize Trump 24/7  just keep on giving that "ignoramus"  continual, free publicity to keep their ratings up. The cable stations are as responsible as anyone for Trump being allowed to make crap out of the country because of their greed and fear of losing revenues or viewers to competing networks.
Trump has the cable news stations, the announcers and newscasters, the pundits,  and the network experts all sucking on his every word.  As sick and twisted as Trump is, he is the key to the success of thousands of people who make a living on his daily, vengeful drippings for profits and ratings.
The day will come when Trump ends and when he is no more newsworthy. The Trump monster will sink to the bottom of the sea.
You know what? The news hounds will desperately seek another spectacularly evil monster to take his place. 
That is how it is. But, will trump get much more of a chance to destroy the country and maybe the world?


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