Rotten Politicians And The NRA

Have faith in these activist young people all you lame adults.. We elderly refused to stand up against the gutless, cowardly, putrid, ignorant, myopic, money grubbing politicians. These young people will stand up for us.  They are saying they have taken enough and we will not take anymore.. Their movement will get bigger and bigger because it is right.  It is all of our faults that maniacs have been allowed to shoot and kill  children in schools with assault rifles. We adults have only screamed and yelled when disaster happens and then sat back down passively.
Kids are the ones who run the country in almost every arena.  Entertainment, technology, fashion, education, sports etc. It is their show. What they believe in is what goes. It is hard to get their attention but when they go into action they mean business. Then the country changes. That is about to happen again.
Young people are at the inception of mobilizing against those killer assault rifles and against the politicians who support them because the National Rifle Association makes big contributions to their slimy campaigns.
Well, remember Nixon and Vietnam? Who was it that forced the Vietnam war to end? Young people with a cause.  President Lyndon Johnson could not even run again because of the outrage of young protesters.
Unfortunately, most of us did not rise in outrage over the Vietnam war quickly enough and  then we sat still again while the bogus war in Iraq destroyed lives and land unnecessarily.  We were too busy.  Too timid.
Then, the wounded and dead bodies started coming back home. So many brave people from all over the world were shot, maimed, and killed  For no reason. For no reason at all.
What we passively have accepted is a sickening epitaph to so many of our lives. The incontrovertible evidence of turning the other cheek has ripped us apart again and again.. Just like what is happening now.  We have not learned our lessons as intelligent adults should.
Our kids will now teach us. They will pay our debts to humanity. They will stop the killing.  But, it will take time.
Our shithead President is a prime example of how pathetic the United States of America has become. He is a total fool who will not be helpful to the kids intentionally.
Assault rifles are only good for killing people. These new patriots will not stand for being manipulated like we have been. Money sucking politicians financed by the NRA. are on thei way out.  Ultra stupid politicians are now getting named and exposed. Our kids will not be be lied to.
The young  have declared war on worthless politicians. They have just starting hitting back. They are protesting and taking names. They will track down every scumbag politician who has exploited them and their parents and relatives and friends and peers. They will make the bad politicians more afraid for their jobs then the NRA ever did.
Money grubbing political pigs and cowardly, insensitive, corrupt presidential behavior will not survive.. Many politicians do not stand for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  They do not give a shit about us. They stand in shame for the wounded and dead kids because of their greed and our flawed  political system.
Money contributed from the NRA to politicians should be prohibited.
Any politician who supports assault rifles should be thrown out of office and sent to the front lines in Pakistan or somewhere where they can get their heads shot off. Over time, the young people will do whatever it takes to end the carnage. They will not give up.
Young people will not listen to the same party line and irrelevant bullshit that we have allowed to wreck our country and destroy so many precious lives. The kids are not schmucks. Many of us are.
The new, young patriots will create a revolution and will attract more and more followers so we can all live in a peaceful America someday.
Donald Trump and the pro NRA assault rifle groups will be looking for new jobs. As Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas said "enough is enough" when he was whining about unfairness in getting on the Supreme Court after sexually harassing Anita Hill.
Now, our sons and daughters are also saying "enough is enough" Only they did nothing wrong except they are now being forced to pay the price for our failures.
They will need support, these brave kids. Help them. Every resource will be required. . We have  millions of dollars to piss away on Trump's golf outings. Help the young patriots who will use resources wisely.
Step up Gates, Bloomberg, Buffet, Cuban and every other sensible billionaire, millionaire, and descent person who wants the country to change. Your assistance, influence, and resources are critical..
Take the lead supposed leaders.  Obama, Bush,  Clinton, and the rest of you. Get in there. People respect and listen to you. You can make a real difference.
We all owe it to our great country to help.


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