Chickenshit Republicans Still Afraid Of Dumb Donald Trump

It is sickening watching the Supreme Court hearing. I do not know why all this time is wasted. I suppose Justice Clarence Thomas is sleeping like he slept through his own hearing while everyone is questioning this right wing goof Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh will win.

The Republicans will all vote for him and the Democrats will all vote against him. It is all partisan and not about electing an objective judge. It all stinks. It's all about Trump appointing nominating Kavanaugh so Kavanaugh will not allow Trump to be impeached and indicted for his crimes. I hope all of this backfires. I hope Kavanaugh somehow loses the vote and does not get confirmed. But, the chickenshit Republicans will not find the spine to challenge Trumps power.

Maybe strange things will happen and some gutsy Republicans will vote against Kavanaugh. What fun that would be. 

By the end of the week Trump might do something so crazy that he will throw the entire government up for grabs. I hope so.


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