Deranged Donald Trump: Americas Greatest Political Con Man

The blame for the endless and overwhelming promotion and reporting of Donald Trumps sick, inflammatory rhetoric and behavior lies with all of us who feast on his deplorable words and deeds. We continually enable that guy by allowing him to run wild  without consequences. He may be our worst political train wreck of the century.

Being a super con man has worked magically for Trump. Americans endlessly buy into hucksters and con men . He is our perfect fraud. We are among the biggest suckers in the world.

 Look what electing Trump got us? Brainless, inefficient, unfit leadership. Bold, blatant violation of the rule of law and abdication of our Presidents sworn duties as commander and chief. .

 Trumps ignorant, fatally flawed, immature, ignorant behavior is doing permanent damage to our  two hundred plus year old democracy. The media keeps  him in our face strictly because they are making money from his
Unfortunately, Trump is an all-time media cash cow. That is because of our national obsession with train wrecks.

 His speeches are filled with talk of violence, hate, prejudice, bigotry, bullying, and every component that appeals to the worst in many of us. His fanatic base loves what he says and does. They adore him because of his outrageous defiance of rules, customs, and laws. Charismatic and deranged madmen do attract dedicated followers.

Trump is a phenomenon created by money, privilege, immaturity, defiance, and a lot of luck. He was defaulted into power by the country's unhappiness with much of our government and the widespread hatred of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
He is superman to those that needed a wild fool to thoughtlessly trash much of what we are frustrated with.

 But, he is nothing. He's just a loudmouth braggart, a punk, a totally insensitive buffoon who thinks he is the smartest guy in the room. In reality, he is shallow and superficial, and actually an "ignoramus" according to conservative columnist Ann Coulter, and "a moron" according to ex-secretary of state Rex Tillerson.

 Google the TV ratings for the O.J Simpson murder trial many years ago or for the Rodney King police beating in Los Angeles, or many other spectacular, unfortunate events. It is hard to not watch, read, or listen and become entranced when tragic events occur. Than, we buy the products and services that get attached to the big audiences. Find current advertiser revenues on tv, radio, newspapers. etc. The more Trump is publicized the more the cash registers ring.

 Forget politics. Forget morality. Forget decency. In the end, Trump getting continual coverage is all about money regardless of the righteous indignation that is demonstrated in condemning him. Watch how fast he gets dropped when he stops generating income.

Think of the school shootings, the attacks, the bombings and everything else that has happened while Trump has been in office. There is big coverage for a little while and then the media goes back to Trump again. He is the biggest generator of money.

 If a lot of the news is "fake news" as Trump claims the medias relationship to Trump is just as fake.  It is a shell game between Trump, the media and the rest of us who suck it all up and stay focused on him.

Do you want to get Trump out of your face? Stop buying and watching and listening to the non-stop coverage he gets. You would soon see him fighting to get back on the Howard Stern radio show where they called him Donald the douche-bag.

 Trump needs therapy, not politics. We need our heads examined for electing him.

 Trump will end but the damage he has done will not. Think about that.

.I believe if Trump were gone there would be another moron who would pick up his following.
That's scary.


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