Normally, I would take forever to start writing this article. I would check my blogger statistics, I would see if I earned any money in the last few days, (which I almost never do) I would jealously check out other successful blogs, or focus on anything other then getting to work and just writing. 

Kinda stupid cause I love to write. I wish I knew I had talent. I have this blog with several hundred articles, and stories. It makes me feel worthwhile as a contributing human being that the world can gain something constructive from. But, I get so little traffic it is pathetic.

However, I just do not understand how to build an audience because I am too old and not computer literate enough to apply the necessary skills to get a respectable following. It is not Googles fault. They are aware of my problems. I am worth money and readership to Google and their advertisers who run ads on my blog. They send me reports and technical information including steps regarding adding code, widgets, links and all kinds of other shit to my blog.

 I just cannot understand what Google AdSense tells me to do. I keep thinking that the sheer appeal of my blog will finally find an audience. So, I only write in this blog,  I go to tiny URL and make the headline small enough so I can put a teasing headline on Twitter to promote my latest blog article and then I post it on Twitter and hope some traffic will come charging to my blog. 

I focus lately almost exclusively on my horrible feelings toward Donald Trump. I am very active on Twitter in commenting on Trump. I do have about five hundred people following me? I always think that one of my followers who has their own gigantic following will go to my blog and see something interesting that they could use for a story, a screenplay, a book, or anything else that might make me successful.

 I do believe that life can change in a heartbeat. I used to gamble so I love the action and rush that writing in my blog can potentially create. Meanwhile, its Sunday morning in Chicago.  I sit in my little high rise apartment all alone. Not even a dog or goldfish. I am retired with very little money. I have wonderful kids and friends who are usually unavailable cause they are busy or married, or something. 

So, I'm lonely, depressed, and  pretty much alone since I dumped my last girlfriend who I just could not get comfortable with and settle down with even after living together for several months. I am 70 and play senior softball several days a week in the summer which I love but now it's winter so I have been trying to find an airbandb in Florida where some of my softball  guys go to play in the winter. Discover me one of you people out there that see talent in me.
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