The blame for the endless and overwhelming promotion and reporting of Donald Trumps sick, inflammatory rhetoric and behavior lies with all of us who feast on his deplorable words and deeds. Especially responsible for the relentless publicizing of Trump is CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and The Washington Post. Trump is always hot news. Unfortunately, he has a lot going for him in being the President, who is the most powerful man in the country. He gets instant attention. Being, outrageous, uncontrollable and having the charisma of a super con man has worked for him magically. No question that he sold us snake oil to become President. Americans have a way of buying into bogus scum balls and Trump sold himself ingeniously. He is a perfect Ponzi scheme engineer. Look what we bought by electing Trump? Nothing good in my opinion. Actually, a Presidential disaster for our country. Seems we are falling apart because of him. Trump has torn the country apart w...