Viagra and Cialis: They have you by the balls!

How can it be that you can buy 8 Viagra pills per month for something like $30.00  on some insurance plans. But, if you have no plan covering Viagra or Cialis  it cost something like $30.00+  per pill to purchase. Can you imagine that? An erectile ripoff!!

The cost changes from about $3.50 per tablet to an outrageous $30.00 each. What a bunch of whores the medical community is to charge that much to many older people to buy help for an erection. How is there no regulation? Do the the makers of Viagra and Cialis feel that just because they have the essential pill many elderly males need to have sex that they can squeeze your genitals with an inflated price.

Or, you just can't have sex. It's that simple. So the hell with that smiling face on the Cialis and Viagra commercials. That's certainly not about the cost of the product being so reasonable. Those guys probably are trading out for their time for Cialis and Viagra.


Pfizer distributes Viagra and Eli Lilly distributes Cialis. . 

Eli Lilly and Company World Headquarters. Lilly Corporate Center Indianapolis, Indiana 46285 USA -317-276-2000.

1100 Arlington Heights Rd  Itasca, IL 60143

(630) 775-9860


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