Fat Boy Governor Chris Christie-Shut Up

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is obese. I do not have to be standing next to him or get his family history to conclude that fact. Every person knows that being overweight is bad for you. I just have to look

 Christie's big, balloon of a body to understand certain facts about his condition.

Dr. Connie Mariano, an ex White House physician said to CNN that Christie could die in office because of his enormous poundage. He got angry at her comments saying she could not speak factually because she was thousands of miles away, did not know his family history, and should shut her mouth because she is a hack looking for a little fame. So, do we extend that same Christie logic to mean that a Dr. cannot give an opinion about heart disease, cancer, or, even more close to home, addiction, without talking to the afflicted person? All research would have to stop.

 Obesity has serious risks whether the fat person is in otherwise good shape or is unhealthy There is always danger that the weight will kill the person because of the pressure on their heart, lungs, kidneys, blood pressure and a host of other factors.

Then, there always is the example that a  leader sets for others whether that person is a president or a school teacher. Over eating is just another addiction like alcoholism, drugs, or gambling. What kind of example does a big ox like  Governor Chris Christie present to the country when we are already over indulging ourselves to death in so many other ways? Is addiction OK with him? Will he legalize all the addictions we battle.

Any informed person knows that a huge part of the U.S. population is overweight. I do not need to meet one hundred million heavy people to accept certain facts about the devastation from excessive weight. Yet, this guy is defensive about an undeniable problem. How would he be at negotiating if he were elected President?  Would it be his way or no way to all his adversaries? Would he be a defensive mess like he sounds like? Take note America. This whale thinks he knows what he is doing and wants your support.

Eat another biscuit Governor and use your mouth for eating instead of talking. Do something you are good at.

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