David's Place

This blogging  is so aggravating   I am trying to launch a popular blog for the fun and the money I can earn. I am thinking of focusing it on a specific subject such as selling which I know a lot about. So, I look at other blogs and only get more and more confused with the things they say to do to build traffic, create and sell links, get advertising, and join networking associations etc etc.. That's just not for me. I don't even know Word. I end up going from blog to blog frustrated, I don't even know how to effectively navigate my computer using it regularly let alone setting up a successful blog.

Also,I cannot really type. I just pound away using both hands or two fingers depending on which is working better. I don't have the patience to learn how to type. I almost do not have the patience for anything anymore.  I will do plain social commentary writing about how I think that Ann Coulter sucks and why guns should be banned, and why drugs should be legalized, and why capital punishment should be imposed regularly.

I would also like to offer selling tips on how to break through screens on the telephone if you are an advertising or insurance sales person. Or how to close deals. I have been very successful at selling my whole life.

So, I've decided. I will use this blog selfishly. I will do stream of conscience writing just like what you are reading. Maybe it will be on Obama, on high society, on scandals, on stuff I have opinions about that are in the news or not in the news.  I will write about what I want to write about when I am in the mood and stop worrying about seo techniques and traffic building tactics.

I will never understand geometry and I will never have good spacial relationships. But I am a great talker and irresistible  to older women. I'm 64 years old, male, tall, with white hair, I'm in good shape and I live alone in Chicago. Already I am feeling liberated by just sitting down and writing what I want instead of torturing myself to figure out how my blog should be composed and about what.

 If my stuff is any good then I will get read. If not, then at least I will stop being frustrated every day. I know at least a few people are reading my blog from my limited knowledge of how to read my blogspot reports.. But I do not really know anything about this whole blogging thing and after hundreds of hours I don't care to struggle anymore. It's no fun. I am just going to write what's in my mind and go from there.

Meanwhile, if I could just sneeze already I would feel so much better. I have not been able to complete a sneeze in several weeks. I have written about this sneezing thing before and it had been published all over the Internet. Just google "cannot complete sneeze" and you will  laugh or cry along with me about my sneezing. I have been published about it extensively.The problem  is psychological because I do sneeze once in a while and then I stop again and can only do gut wrenching AAHS but not get to the Choo. But I am healthy overall.

Now, if I can just hit the right button to spell check this.


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