Joel Brodsky Blows It

Drew Peterson, who allegedly killed two of his wives had a main lawyer by the name of Joel Brodsky.
 Brodsky has now ended up suing another of the lawyers on Peterson"s team, Steven A. Greenberg. Greenberg claims that Brodsky single handedly lost the murder trial for Peterson. He is also suing two news outlets including the Chicago Tribune.

 Brodsky has always seemed like the ultimate schnook to me and ill fitted to be in a big time trial. He has been associated with several firms since 1982. He gained Drew Peterson's loyalty several years ago when Peterson's murder problems started. He has done mostly small time legal matters.

He was supposedly the lawyer that blew the murder trial by not having Peterson testify even against the wishes of the other attorneys. Aw shucks Drew. Did you get unlucky by placing your faith in Brodsky? Would you hire him again? Brodsky probably worked cheap to begin with so you got what you paid for. Who ever thought that they would pass new laws just to convict you?

Bad break Just like your wives got.
You Brodsky probably couldn't make a living in traffic court.

Wouldn't you be so happy if you had gotten Peterson off?
You would be rich and famous. You'd sleep like a baby I'm sure. Your loved ones would be so proud of you. You could look at your face every morning and be so smug. But now it's back to grind grind grind.
You should have  listened to your co-counsels who had to be sharper then you and put Peterson on the stand. But.......


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