
Showing posts from February, 2013

Caught With My Pants Down

I had this girlfriend who was prominent and gave a lot of speeches. She got free hotels many times. One time she got this suite in a Chicago hotel. She gave me the key and told me to just lay around, order room service and have fun until she was done speaking. Then she would meet me up there for the sex with each other we were living for at the time. I roamed around this gigantic double suite penthouse. I walked through some doors and was very impressed with the amenities. Suddenly. I had the urge to have a bowel movement. I opened the closest bathroom door and sat down for what I thought would be a very relaxing experience. Suddenly, I heard the outside door open to the room I was in. I heard people’s voices. I had thought I was in our main suite but I had wandered into an adjoining suite without knowing it. I was sitting on the toilet and too far away from the door to the bathroom to get up and close it. A second later a man and a woman were standing in front of the open bat...

Golden Handcuffs For Compulsive Gambler

What a wonderful day in Chicago. It's about noon on Tuesday and the snow is falling like crazy. I live 29 stories high in a fancy penthouse. I just went out shopping for food and prostate medicine since it appears the city will be buried for a few days. I have enough money to live on, good health, great kids. I am missing a woman in my life who I have been searching furiously for on where I have  success even at 64. One problem. All of this does not allow me to do what I want to do most. I want to gamble. I am a compulsive gambler and despite being one of the luckiest men alive I miss my lover. The dice tables and poker tables are 40 minutes away and I cannot go to them. If I do gamble again I will probably lose everything. I know that. I know I cannot betray the trust I have been shown. So, I will write, work out, and keep hunting for a new lady. It is like being held in a penthouse jail with golden hand cuffs. I can do anything I want except bet. Life is so unfai...

Rocky Roads Rahm

Driving through some Chicago streets is like riding a jeep in the mountains. Take Pratt Blvd. between Sheridan Rd. and Western Av. It's like riding through a mine field. You have these crews fixing roads all over the city. That's good. But, how about a few crews assigned to some torn up areas on the north side? Someone take a tour between Foster Av on the south, Devon Av on the north, Sheridan Rd. on the east and Western av on the west. You'll be so shaken up after that ride you may hurl you last meal. How about some prudent evaluation by Streets and Sanitation about the condition of many streets? Some simple patchwork might help a lot. Listening Mayor Rahm Emanuel

Spending Cuts Happening

 I'm glad spending cuts are going to take place quickly.. No one in politics will make a pro-active move so ultimately President Bush has carved out our fate with moves he made long ago.  Maybe that moron will end up helping us economically when all is said and done. Sitting still while sequestering takes place will be interesting to me. Some will be affected and others will not. I figure that my pizza delivery job will not be impacted except by less tipping. Ultimately, there is a bottom to extending the budget to accommodate everyone. This is tough love for all of us economically. Let's see what happens when we are unable to have what and do what we want. We have no money. Military cuts will really happen. So will many other cuts. Good luck America.

Show Me The Money Google

Show me the money. I have ads from all over the place on this blog. I wish I knew what is making that happen. Anyway, it's click, click, click with no earnings to show for my efforts. Wonder if I do not have enough traffic or my writing just sucks. Meantime, I can't eat clicks. So Google, lets see some cash or I won't be doing this for very long.

Blog Ready

This blog is all dressed up and ready to go. It has been done by a professional, Trevor Brody. Now, the trick is to find a way to make money. I'm showing lots of clicks but none are translating into earnings. Stay tuned. All suggestions welcome

It Works

Love +Trevor Brody   He knows his stuff with computer software. Got me all straightened out. Thanks Trevor.

Blog Help

Finally getting help with this blog from a computer expert. He is showing me right now all the things I don't know about using the Google blog properly. So, we will see.

Wrestling With Google AdSense

I don't care how much they publish about using Google AdSense. I don't care how dense I feel because I can't understand the information and the directions. I don't care about anything right now other than figuring out how to navigate my blog, so I can start figuring out exactly what's going on with information, traffic, and earnings. I'm old school and I can write, but I am certainly baffled by the technology attached to Google blogs. I am open to any and all suggestions. Thanks.

Bullied Older Man His Own Victim

Last week I was driving out the gate of my high rise apartment garage. An older lady was in front of me. She was blocked in by a workers van  and he would not give her enough room to get out. I watched her get frustrated as the guy would not move up and make space obviously thinking there was enough room for her. She disagreed and bravely got out of her car and walked up to the van and screamed at the driver to make way. He angrily spun forward and screamed "bitch" at her as she drove away. I watched it all unfold from a few feet away. I did not act. I am relentlessly beating myself up for not walking out of my car and defending the woman by telling the driver he had a  big mouth to swear at her and who did he think he was etc etc..  But I didn't get involved. I just watched. So, it is now several days after the incident. All I did was report the event to the building management lady to tell her what I witnessed.   Now, my appetite is gone, I have been feeling mise...

Joel Brodsky Blows It

Drew Peterson, who allegedly killed two of his wives had a main lawyer by the name of Joel Brodsky.  Brodsky has now ended up suing another of the lawyers on Peterson"s team, Steven A. Greenberg. Greenberg claims that Brodsky single handedly lost the murder trial for Peterson. He is also suing two news outlets including the Chicago Tribune.  Brodsky has always seemed like the ultimate schnook to me and ill fitted to be in a big time trial. He has been associated with several firms since 1982. He gained Drew Peterson's loyalty several years ago when Peterson's murder problems started. He has done mostly small time legal matters. He was supposedly the lawyer that blew the murder trial by not having Peterson testify even against the wishes of the other attorneys. Aw shucks Drew. Did you get unlucky by placing your faith in Brodsky? Would you hire him again? Brodsky probably worked cheap to begin with so you got what you paid for. Who ever thought that they would pass new...

Pat Quinn A Good Man

I like Illinois Governor Pat Quinn. He tries to do the right thing. He is not the typical calculating, biased politician. He is openly for gay rights, increasing minimum wages and  banning  assault weapons. Yes. Its the beginning of the Governors race. Quinn's approval ratings are low but that means nothing. He has a giant deficit to deal with. It will apparently will be almost impossible to overcome. He said "Illinois must honor the productivity of it's workers." At least his heart is in the right place even with no money to pay for anything. Mike Madigan is the one who can make things happen in Illinois. Certainly he has to have some humanity attached to that hard core exterior. Come on Mike. Help the governor. Help us all. Do the right thing. Maybe it will also help Lisa Madigan.

Fat Boy Governor Chris Christie-Shut Up

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is obese. I do not have to be standing next to him or get his family history to conclude that fact. Every person knows that being overweight is bad for you. I just have to look    Christie's big, balloon of a body to understand certain facts about his condition. Dr. Connie Mariano, an ex White House physician said to CNN that Christie could die in office because of his enormous poundage. He got angry at her comments saying she could not speak factually because she was thousands of miles away, did not know his family history, and should shut her mouth because she is a hack looking for a little fame. So, do we extend that same Christie logic to mean that a Dr. cannot give an opinion about heart disease, cancer, or, even more close to home, addiction, without talking to the afflicted person? All research would have to stop.  Obesity has serious risks whether the fat person is in otherwise good shape or is unhealthy There is always da...

Viagra and Cialis: They have you by the balls!

How can it be that you can buy 8 Viagra pills per month for something like $30.00  on some insurance plans. But, if you have no plan covering Viagra or Cialis  it cost something like $30.00+  per pill to purchase. Can you imagine that? An erectile ripoff!! The cost changes from about $3.50 per tablet to an outrageous $30.00 each. What a bunch of whores the medical community is to charge that much to many older people to buy help for an erection. How is there no regulation? Do the the makers of Viagra and Cialis feel that just because they have the essential pill many elderly males need to have sex that they can squeeze your genitals with an inflated price. Or, you just can't have sex. It's that simple. So the hell with that smiling face on the Cialis and Viagra commercials. That's certainly not about the cost of the product being so reasonable. Those guys probably are trading out for their time for Cialis and Viagra.  Complain  Pfizer distributes Viagra...

David's Place

This blogging  is so aggravating   I am trying to launch a popular blog for the fun and the money I can earn. I am thinking of focusing it on a specific subject such as selling which I know a lot about. So, I look at other blogs and only get more and more confused with the things they say to do to build traffic, create and sell links, get advertising, and join networking associations etc etc.. That's just not for me. I don't even know Word. I end up going from blog to blog frustrated, I don't even know how to effectively navigate my computer using it regularly let alone setting up a successful blog. Also,I cannot really type. I just pound away using both hands or two fingers depending on which is working better. I don't have the patience to learn how to type. I almost do not have the patience for anything anymore.  I will do plain social commentary writing about how I think that Ann Coulter sucks and why guns should be banned, and why drugs should be legalized, and...

Ed Koch Spoke His Mind

Goodbye former New York mayor Ed Koch. You spoke your mind and were unafraid to say what you meant and felt. If all the politicians had your courage it would be a better country. It is amazing to me that there is so much fear among elected officials to tell the truth. Is every Republican a pro gun advocate? Or, is their position only all about politics? Until the truth is told without equivocation to the American people there is no hope. Why is the truth so scary?

San Francisco Wins Super Bowl Big

San Francisco will win by over 20 points today I believe. Jim Harbaugh is too driven to have it any other way. So, although I am a compulsive gambler and never could win bets I do have an opinion. I am actually also writing this to put my adsense code in this blog in the hopes I will start generating more earnings. I can't live on just a million a year!! Have fun. <script type="text/javascript"> google_ad_client = "pub-"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; google_ad_format = "728x90_as"; google_ad_type = "text_image"; google_color_border = "FFFFFF"; google_color_bg = "0000FF"; google_color_link = "FFFFFF"; google_color_text = "000000"; google_color_url = "008000"; </script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>