Crabs Scratch A Hot Night

First time I lost my virginity was back in 1967 in a whorehouse in Peoria, IL.  I was with a bunch of guys on New Years Eve and we decided to drive up to this house of ill repute. I was really nervous. I was still a virgin.  My sexual experiences were mostly hand jobs from my trustworthy high school girl friend. I thought I was one of the only guys to not have done the real thing. So, we entered this prostitution house and I looked around at several available women all in negligees.They were just sitting around on display.

 I saw an African American who was so hot with big tits and long legs. She kind of looked like Eartha Kitt. I pointed to her and she got up and she took me to a little room with a small bed. It did not smell good in that room but we did the deed after a little performance anxiety by me.

I strutted out to my friends who were already finished with their ladies. I had a big smile on my face.We left and had some food and drinks celebrating our accomplishment. The cost was only fifteen bucks as I remember.

 Well, I was a freshman in college living in a dorm at the time. I lived with my best friend from Chicago. He had not come to Peoria.  I told him all about my experience and I could tell he was slightly jealous.

A few days passed and I started to itch around my testicles.The itching got much worse and I did not know what was causing the problem. I was walking around scratching like crazy. My high school girlfriend was coming up to visit me that weekend. We checked into a motel and started to make love. i had finally talked her into going "All the way".

 I could not hump for thirty seconds without stopping to scratch. Finally, she said  "What is wrong with you? I said I did not know but that I had been itching continually for days. She was studying to be a lab technician at the time. She told me she wanted to take a look at the area around my scrotum. She pulled  a lamp down to take a good look. i pulled my legs apart so she could examine me. She looked hard then moved her fingers around my testicles and started to probe.

All of a sudden I saw her snatch up something small and moving with wings on it. She held it up between her fingers to show me She shrieked "You have crabs". I freaked out. Little wings spread. I had never heard of crabs. Then she got very angry telling me that someone can only get crabs from sexual intercourse and that I had cheated..

 I admitted that I had gone to this whorehouse in Peoria a few weeks before. I did not care about what she thought. I was scared to death thinking these crabs were really dangerous. I called the local hospital in the middle of the night and started blurting out my story and asked what to do. The Dr. said to go to the pharmacy and buy this lotion sold over the counter.that would kill the crabs but he also said I had to boil all my clothes, sheets, and just about everything else I owned.

I told my girlfriend to stay in the room until tho next day when she was supposed to drive home..

I immediately went back to the dorm and started to gather up all my sheets and underwear and put them in the washing machine. Only, I had to do it without attracting any attention especially from my very anal roommate.

 I spent two days going through every item I owned and two months afterward inspecting, checking and re-checking for any of those little monsters.  My Obsessive Compulsive Disorder went into overdrive.

What an experience that was. Several.years later I told my roommate the crabs story..
He started yelling and screaming as if he wanted to kill me.

Too bad Google was not around back then. I would have been much more relieved more quickly.


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