Kirstie Alley-A Charitable and Ballsy Bomb

Kirstie Alley is one of my favorite celebrities. That is because she is so uninhibited and unafraid of what people think. She made a fortune promoting weight loss by offering herself as a joke about being overweight. By making a target of herself she made a bundle promoting weight loss for Jenny Craig who she is no longer connected to.

She formed "Organic Liaison" in 2010 with many experts in nutrition and weight loss.
She offers "The Complete Weight Loss Solution" which includes "The Premium Rescue Me Kit" which provides products and information to the buyers for $139.00. Check her website below for complete information.

What I like the most about her though is her ballsy approach to life.  People relate to her because she can put herself in their shoes so easily. She makes no pretenses about life and tells the world straight up what she thinks.

She is also very charitable supporting many worthwhile causes including "Toys For Tots".  If you want to know whats going on with her in real time check her on Twitter where she is very active.

She  is a ranking member of the Church of Scientology  which she has been a member of since 1979 and lately is defending it vigorously in a controversy that evolved around it.
She is good people.

Punch up 


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