I Am A Compulsive Gambler

I am a compulsive gambler. Do you know what that means? It means that I love gambling more then I love anything else. I have lost almost all of the money I have ever made. I am now 65 years old and struggling to get by. I should be a millionaire many times over. I should have the respect of my family, friends, and many others. Instead, I only have respect from people who are in the Gamblers Anonymous meetings I attend. I have not made a bet in over 4 years as of today. Yet, I struggle constantly to resist this evil demon that pollutes my soul. I work, read, write, see my family, friends yet I cannot be comfortable with a normal life. My desires lie deep in the hell called gambling. If I were given a billion dollars to use as i pleased I would lose it all gambling. That is because there ois no cure for compulsive gambling. We are stuck with an abnormal brain forever that craves the action that always leads back to self destruction. So, I live a life of desperation. I go to GA meetings several times each week. I talk to others in the program who are the only ones who understand me. The struggle goes on and on. That is why the recidivism rate is so high. Because the gambling monster is my unconditional lover waiting for me to get sad, mad, glad or have any other feeling that will propel me back into action. So, here I am. Do you want to trade places Mr.or Mz. Gambler? You know if your relationship with gambling is abnormal. You know if you are headed towards disaster. Do you have the courage to resist those urges and change? If you do there is a Gambler Anonymous meeting near you. Look up the GA number, make the phone call, talk to someone at GA who will assuredly answer your call and give you suggestions. Save you life. The national number is 626-960-3500. Make your next bet on yourself.


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