Writing To Cure Depression

I'm trying to write a screenplay on spec. It is murder. I cannot get away from my computer. Having an addictive personality does not help but it's also an asset. As I read other screenplays something seems apparent. It's all about the story being interesting. The rest of the formatting seems not to matter. So, I'm writing about my life which at least prevents me from having writers block.

I feel so empty much of the time that writing about myself with the offhand chance that the screenplay could catch on is intriguing. Depression seems to dominate me in so many areas but when writing I find comfort. After all, going from a millionaire to delivering pizzas is depressing but it gets to be an interesting experience when putting it into a story.

So, when all is said and done I really only do have myself to turn to to get me out of this seemingly eternal funk.

I would advise anyone to write. I mean, who knows if you can or not and who really cares? If it relieves stress and anxiety it is worth it. Try.


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